Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

Partners and Members are available prior to the start of the meeting
to discuss specific maters and will therefore not be in attendance after 6.00pm.


To receive any verbal updates from representatives, including:


1.     Silver Salisbury Programme – Irene Kohler

2.     Street Light Audit Update – Liz Batten (report attached)

3.     Underpasses working group update – Cllr Sample

4.     A36 National Highways update – Chris Hilldrup, Highways England

5.     Air Quality Group – Cllr Hocking (minutes attached)



Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minute slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Chairman


The Board is asked to note the following written updates attached to the agenda:


a)    Salisbury City Council (SCC) – report attached

b)    Police – Neighbourhood Policing Team – report attached

c)     Fire & Rescue – report attached

d)    Salisbury Future High Street Fund – update attached

e)    Salisbury BID – written update & website link



The Board received the following verbal updates:


Silver Salisbury Programme

Alan Mitchell, Treasurer gave thanks to the Board for funding awarded the previous year, noting that Silver Salisbury was now a registered charity.

The Autumn 2022 review highlighted the brochure which had been produced, with around 5000 copies being delivered around the Salisbury area.


The initiative had reached 980 older people who had taken part in the 36 one off events. The aim for this year would be to produce 2 brochures one for the whole year and another for the Silver Salisbury fortnight.


There had been good feedback from those who had taken part, with many relaying their surprise at how much was going on around Salisbury, which they previously had no idea about.


Street Light Audit Update

Liz Batten gave an update on the progress of the project.

19 volunteers had come together to take part in the street audits during February. Since the audit was carried out, there had been some improvements with replacements of LED lighting. Liz noted that the audit report pre-dated that work, so there may now be some on the list which had been addressed.


The audit report was included in the agenda pack and set out all of the locations where lights still needed to be addressed.


Some suggested works included wall painting for the ends of the tunnel at St Pauls underpass to improve visibility and brighten the area and for the lights at back of the City Hall to be turned on at night, for improved safety for people leaving the Playhouse.




It was suggested that issues reported on the MyWilts are being recorded as closed before being actioned.

Answer:- Cllr Hocking responded the he understood MyWilts reports were closed once the task had been allocated to the relevant contactor to attend, but would clarify at the next meeting.  Cllr Hocking also stated that in his capacity as IT Portfolio Holder he will be looking at way to improve the MyWilts App and will report at the next AB.


Action:- Cllr Hocking to clarify at what point reports are logged as closed and update on possible option to improve the App at the next AB


Action: David Redfern, to enquire with the Estates Team whether the lights at the rear of City Hall could be turned on in the evenings.


Underpasses working group Update

In addition to the minutes attached Cllr Sample noted that the Group was currently waiting for partners in Highways England to complete an evaluation to identify the ownership of the underpasses, which it was hoped would set out responsibilities as a starting point for any work.


A36 National Highways Update

Chris Hilldrup, Highways England noted the projects he was involved with around the city, including the River Park Project and the A36 Southampton Road.

Chris worked in partnership with the Environment Agency and Wiltshire Council and would be working one day a month from County Hall in Trowbridge with council officers.


In addition, Chris advised National Highways were also sharing A36 traffic modelling data with Wiltshire Council Highways to assist with the Harnham Gyratory and Exeter Street roundabout project.



·       The work on the A36, particularly Southampton Road was well received, however. there was currently a study on the M4 in Dorset, how do your three schemes link into that?

·       Answer: There is some £20m expected to be spent on the A36 Southampton Road to make Salisbury workable for the next 15 – 20 years.  The M4 to Dorset study is a separate piece of work, and whatever the outcome, if any, would not be expected to break ground for at least two decades, if at all.


·       Would you be able to share the A36 traffic modelling study at the next meeting in June?

Answer: I would like to but not promising it would be ready then.


·       I didn’t think that Wiltshire Council was pursuing the Harnham Gyratory development anymore, it would be useful for the Board to receive an update from the Council on the scheme.

Answer: The request would be fed back to the relevant Officer.


·       The ideas for the junctions mentioned had not been shared with SCC, as advised, could this be done?

Answer: The Highways Engineer working on the project would be asked to share the data.



Air Quality Group

Cllr Hocking noted that there was still one site along the Wilton Road where the nitrous oxide pollution levels were above 40ppm thus too high. The Group were working on signage for no engine idling around parts of the city centre and schools and looking at whether restrictions were enforceable. The Group also hoped to attract a representative for electric car hire.


The Board noted the written updates provided in the Agenda and in Supplement 1, these were:


a) Salisbury City Council (SCC)
b) Police – NPT
c) Fire & Rescue
d) Salisbury Future High Street Fund

e) Salisbury BID


Supporting documents: