Construction of single 2 bedroom cottage on part of garden.
Public Participation
Mrs Tarn Winstone spoke in objection to the application.
Mrs Thelma Tompkins spoke in objection to the application
The Planning Officer, James Repper presented the report on the application, which was for the construction of a single 2 bedroom cottage on part of a garden.
The main issues which were considered to be material to the determination of the application were noted as:
· Principle of development
· Scale, design, impact on character and appearance of the area
· Impact on AONB
· Residential amenities/living conditions
The application had generated an objection from East Knoyle Parish Council and 8 letters of representation from the public. The AONB had also raised an objection.
The application was for an infill development in a small village. The ground floor side window was not considered to be overlooking and the change in height was considered minor. The shadow path analysis was explained and detailed on the presentation slides.
The application was recommended for approval with conditions.
There were no technical questions asked of the Officer.
Members of the public as detailed above, then had the opportunity to speak on the application. Some of the main points included information relating to the separate matter of a boundary dispute between the applicant and an adjoining neighbour.
In addition, comments stated the development would be detrimental to the privacy and lighting of the neighbouring properties as well as being overbearing. If approved the development would overlook that outside space and would cause overshadowing and have an oppressive feel.
Other comments noted the negative impact to the AONB and a reduction to current views of hills and trees and increased traffic movements and issues.
Traffic issues will arise from this build.
The design was considered out of character and too large for the small sized plot.
The Divisional Member, Cllr Bridget Wayman who was on the Committee spoke in objection to the application, noting the AONB concerns relating to light from the roof lights, and highlighted that the report had disregarded the concerns.
Stating that it had no regard to para 185 of the NPPF. Cllr Wayman also explained what was required to retain a Dark Sky status.
In addition, the roof windows at the rear would be overlooking the neighbour behind. Overall, Cllr Wayman felt that it was a poorly designed property which would be better placed on the edge of the village where it could be more spaced out.
Cllr Wayman then moved the motion of refusal against officer recommendation, noting the following reasons:
· Overdevelopment and proximity to neighbouring properties.
· Out of character with the Streetscene
· Contrary to AONB Management Plan
· Contrary to Wiltshire Core Strategy policies CP51 & CP57
This was seconded by Cllr Hocking.
The Committee discussed the application, the main points included the AONB concerns and the importance continuing to preserve the Dark Skies status and how much weight this held in planning considerations.
The size and narrow layout of the site and the scale of the proposed development were felt to be too large for the space available.
At the conclusion of debate, the Committee voted on the motion of refusal, against officer recommendation, for the reasons as stated above.
It was;
That application PL/2023/00213 be REFUSED for the following reasons:
The site is a narrow plot located towards the southern end of the village within the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, a Dark Skies Reserve. Existing cottages adjacent to the site are of a traditional scale and design. The proposed new dwelling dwellinghouse is considered to be an overdevelopment and cramped form of development by reason of its excessive height and close relationship to neighbouring properties and would be an incongruous and unneighbourly addition to the street scene at odds with the character of surrounding residential properties. Further, the design of the proposal contains rooflights which are discouraged in the landscape of the AONB due to their contribution to light pollution. As such, the proposal is considered contrary to the aims of policies CP51 & CP57 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy, the aims of the AONB Management Plan, objective 22 of Wiltshire Council’s adopted design guidance 'Creating Places', and the design guidance contained within the NPPF and associated design guidance and code.
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