Agenda item

PL/2022/08930 - Bekson Farm, 54 Whaddon Lane, Hilperton, Trowbridge

Revised submission for the retrospective permanent siting of a Biomass boiler with a 6m high flue and container for the control unit (Resubmission of PL/2021/10373)


Public Participation:


                Mrs Holloway – spoke in support of the application


David Cox, Senior Planning Officer presented the report that recommended planning permission should be approved subject to the conditions and informatives as detailed in the report, for the revised and retrospective permanent siting of a Biomass boiler with a 6m high flue and container for the control unit (Resubmission of PL/2021/10373)


The officer advised that the main issues for consideration and described the site which included detail on the proximity to other properties, the access and the use of the adjoining agricultural fields. He explained that the boiler was powered by burning wooden pallets, which were stored both outside and inside. Members were advised that heat from the boiler is used to dry wood chip which is sold on for biomass boilers to use.


Committee members were reminded that the boiler, with a 4m high flue had been given a temporary 2-year planning permission on 10 February 2020, and prior to the temporary permission expiring, the applicant had applied for permanent consent, which was considered by the Committee on 6 July 2022, but had refused permission for the reasons stated in the Committee report.


The Committee noted that the local member, Cllr Ernie Clark, had called-in this current application for reasons relating to environmental and highway impacts.


The report summarised the responses to the statutory consultations and the public consultation. It was noted that 7 letters of objection and 1 letter of support had been received. In addition, a late representation had been received.


In response to technical questions asked by the Committee, the officer explained that Environmental Health Officers would continue to monitor the site on an ad-hoc basis, and it was confirmed that they had visited the site three times in the past month, with no concerns reported. Members were informed that to verify any environmental complaint, neighbours/third parties would be expected to complete a logbook to record any nuisance episodes from the burning of the woodchips, including noting the weather conditions and wind direction.  Members were advised that to date, no substantiated evidence had been submitted to the Council’s public protection team.


So that the Committee had something to debate Cllr Stewart Palmen proposed a motion to approve the application with conditions and informatives as detailed in the report. This was seconded by Cllr David Vigar.


A debate followed where Members commented further on monitoring by Environmental Health Officers and the submission of a further updated Boiler Management Plan by the applicants.


At the conclusion of the debate, it was




To approve the planning permission subject to the following conditions and informatives:


1.    The development hereby approved is subject to the following plans and associated documents:


Site Location Plan, Block Plan, Biomass Boiler and Container details (photos), Air Quality Statement (dated December 2019), Cover letter (supporting statement), Biomass details, Biofuel Report, Biomass Manufacturer details and Biomass Boiler Service Record – all received 17 November 2022 and; Management Plan (for the operation of a Glen Farrow Biomass Boiler) and Boiler Operation and Maintenance Plan – dated and received 27 March 2023.


REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


2.    The operation of the boiler shall strictly adhere to, at all times thereafter, the approved details of the Management Plan (dated 27 March 2023).


REASON: In the interests of residential amenity to protect from potentially harmful levels of smoke, fumes and general disturbance from the operation of the boiler.


3.    The use and operation of the boiler hereby permitted shall only take place between the hours of 06:00 and 18:00 from Mondays to Fridays. The use and operation of the boiler shall not take place at any time on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank or Public Holidays.


REASON: In the interests of residential amenity to protect from potentially harmful levels of smoke, fumes and general disturbance from the operation of the boiler.


4.    No more than two container loads of woodchip for biomass shall be dried on site in a week.


REASON: In the interests of residential amenity to protect from potentially harmful levels of smoke, fumes and general disturbance from the operation of the boiler and in the interests of highway safety.




1.    The applicant is respectfully advised that compliance with the boiler management plan, conditions would not preclude the Council’s Environmental Health Department taking formal action should a statutory nuisance ever be proven following receipt of complaint.


2.    The applicant is respectfully advised that the boiler should not be operated if the wind direction is such that it would lead to smoke going toward the nearest receptor which is approximately 120m to the North East (at Knoll Farm).

Supporting documents: