Agenda item

Matters of Community Wide Interest

Parish Councils, Partners and Community groups


·       Winterslow Primary School



Community Policing local issues and priorities

Police Road Traffic Safety data is attached for information.


In attendance: Inspector Tina Osborn


Parish Councils, Partners and Community groups

Rebecca Bone, Head Teacher of Winterslow Primary School gave a presentation on some key areas of work at the school.


There was a strong value of local places and green spaces, which were felt to be vital for wellbeing.


Providing skills to become ‘agents of change’ in their community and healthy and resilient citizens for the future.


Sustainability played a big part in many areas of work at the school, with initiatives such as an outsideuniform swap, accessible for all, recycling centres, partnership working with food providers to encourage more vegetarian meals and lower food miles, a sustainability QR code quest around school and regular eco weeks.


There were wildlife areas and a coral reef project for the young people to explore and learn from. This year the school was attempting to achieve ‘No Single Use plastic’ status.


The School also had solar panels, which provided electricity to use at the school and any extra was given back to the Grid, in exchange for money.


A DFE Grant was spent on adding Insulation throughout our loft spaces and replacing the remaining lighting to LED lighting.


Future projects included an air source heat pump for the pool and increased community engagement. 


Rebecca welcomed ideas and volunteers to visit the school to provide educational talks.



Community Policing – local issues and priorities

The Police report was published online as Supplement 1 to the agenda. The Police Road Traffic Safety data was available within the agenda pack.


PC Harry Murphy provided a verbal update on behalf of Inspector Tina Osborn. Some of the key points included:


·       A reduction in non-dwelling burglaries and keyless vehicles

·       A spate of burglaries had occurred in Broad Chalk & Landford. Patrols would take place during late evenings to deter repeat offenders. The importance of marking property, specifically garden tools & machinery items was noted.

·       Rural crime continued to be a key focus of the Neighbourhood Policing Team, with a continuation of rural operations with partners and engagement with farmers in the rural communities.

·       Now that the Schools were back the Policing Team had been attending as many as possible to highlight road safety issues.


·       Another recent area of work in July & August was around tackling rogue traders. The Team had worked closely with Trading Standards to gain intelligence gained which was then shared with partner agencies.


·       Following reports of motorbikes along the footpaths in Longhedge and at Old Sarum, patrols were able to stop and ceased vehicles.


·       Close working with Wiltshire Council on Public Space Protection Orders to tackle catapult use. There would also be a public consultation on this soon, people were encouraged to feed comments in.




·       The published Community Speedwatch (CSW) stats did not include those for the Porton CSW Group.

Answer: PC Murphy would take that back to the team for a response.


·       Now that the schools had returned after the summer break, in Laverstock the historic traffic issues had recommenced, relating to parents parking along the main road at collection time, causing the road to become a single lane causing much congestion. Cllr McLennan had asked for patrols in the afternoon to tackle the issue, however when a patrol had taken place, it was in the morning, where the congestion was not present. He asked whether patrols could visit in the afternoon.

Answer: PC Murphy would feed this request back to Inspector Osborn for action.


·       Nationally there were many stories featuring brazen and violent gang shoplifting incidents. In Downton the Coop have taken preventative measures where possible to tackle shoplifting. What was the feeling about shoplifting across this area, as the effect is terrible for small businesses.

Answer: PC Murphy noted that shoplifting had always been present. The Coop in Downton had success in putting obstacle in place to deter higher value theft. He would also feedback these comments to Inspector Osborn.




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