Proposal: erection of Class E food store, car parking, works to create community open space, new access, landscaping and associated works.
Planning Officer Olivia Tresise took the Committee through the planning application from Lidl as detailed in the report in the agenda pack. The application was for the proposed erection of a Class E food store, with car parking, works to create community open space, new access, landscaping, and other associated works. The Planning Officer highlighted details including the location of Marsh Farm Hotel, a grade II listed building adjacent to the site, the three-story care home recently built to the east of it, the two-story residential property opposite and the sports grounds to the northwest. She also drew the Committee’s attention to the recently agreed conditions that were not outlined in the report relating to electric vehicle parking and weekend opening hours.
Members sought clarity on the situation surrounding foul water sewage, citing similar problems in the care home adjacent to the site. The Committee discussed the likely effectiveness of imposing Grampian conditions to ensure sufficient measures were taken regarding foul water sewage prior to commencement, referencing a tendency for developers to ignore such conditions.
The Chairman then invited members of the public to speak to the application:
· Daniel Preece spoke in support of the application on behalf of Lidl.
· Councillor Steve Walls spoke on behalf of Royal Wootton Bassett Town Council.
The Local Unitary Member, Councillor Bucknell, spoke to the application, expressing dissatisfaction with the proposed location of the site and sharing his concerns regarding the proposed country park behind the food store. He referenced recent problems with similar proposals, and pointed out that furthermore, the applicant did not own the land in question. He also expressed scepticism as to the future of the development, pointing out the potential for further residential development. He suggested that the possibility for proper consultation with local councils and organisations on how best to use the land behind the food store had been passed up, and concluded by acknowledging that the Committee could only consider what was in front of them today but recommending that harsh conditions are imposed to restrict future development as best they could.
The Planning Officer pointed out Conditions 14 and 15 in the Officer Report could be used in relation to the parkland area, but Councillor Bucknell reiterated his concerns that since the applicant did not own the land in question, they could potentially evade any repercussions for not complying with the conditions.
Councillor Gavin Grant warned of the dangers involved in improvising conditions, and after consulting with the Chairman, moved to defer the item for three cycles until clarity on such issues as foul water sewage and the parkland could be provided. Councillor Howard Greenman seconded the motion.
Councillor Brian Mathew suggested the Committee consider imposing a condition ensuring safe and adequate pedestrian access from across the road, and the Committee discussed the speed limit of the road in front of the site. Councillor Jacqui Lay pointed out that the road was part of the official diversion route from the A419 and was a lorry route when that road was out of action. Councillor Grant added that with proper consideration and consultation, the application could suit several parties, and stressed that he was satisfied to see that the objections raised at appeal had been met. The Committee also discussed the potential problem of parking, noting that the parkland had no parking arrangements outside the parking for the food store. Councillor Greenman stated his dislike for deferrals as Chairman of Strategic Planning Committee but considered it the only viable solution in this instance. The Chairman agreed with Councillor Mathew’s insistence that if conditions relating to Section 106 funding for a pedestrian crossing were not included, they likely would not happen at all.
To defer the item for three cycles until clarity on such issues as foul water sewage and the parkland could be provided.
The meeting was then adjourned from 2:59 pm until 3:03 pm.
The Chairman moved to consider Item 9 before Item 8 and was seconded by Councillor Grant.
To consider Item 9 before Item 8.
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