Agenda item

Application Number:PL/2023/02118 - Land at Netherhampton Farm, Netherhampton, Salisbury, SP2 8PU

Demolition of the existing building (unit 3) and erection of a detached 5-bedroom dwelling with associated landscaping.


Public Participation

Mr Dan Roycroft (Agent) spoke in support of the application

Mr Rob Hibberd (Applicant) spoke in support of the application


The Senior Planning Officer, Becky Jones, introduced a report which recommended that the application for the demolition of an existing building (unit 3) and erection of a detached 5-bedroom dwelling with associated landscaping be refused.


Key details were stated to include the principle for development and site history for approved scheme, evolution of the scheme and the impact on the character and setting of the Conservation Area, other material planning considerations affecting the site and the planning balance.


The application had generated no response from the Parish Council and one letter of objection from the Salisbury Conservation Area Panel.


The application, an earlier 2018 approval for a conversion, and details of how the scheme had evolved were explained in the presentation. 


Members of the committee then had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the officer. It was clarified that the term ‘model farm’ was a 19c term for a specific type of farm layout, such as the one in the application.


The definition of ‘less than substantial’ was explained by the officer as still harming the asset but not as a complete loss.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to present their views to the committee as detailed above.


The unitary division member, councillor Pauline Church who was not on the Committee, then spoke in support of the application.


For openness, Cllr Church stated that she was a Wilton Estate tenant and also provided flowers from her business on occasion to the show home at the site. She went on to note that there had been no objections from the parish council or statutory consultees. In addition, the proposals had been carefully designed with a strong focus on quality, to sensitively replicate the layout of the original model farm. The planned pond and planting would support biodiversity. 


The site was stated as being unused and derelict for over 20 years and there had never been an intention to dismantle the buildings, however this could not now be avoided. There were also another nineteen completed units on the farm.


If the building was converted it would not be able to achieve a warranty due to the issues identified with the ground.


As Cllr Church was not on the Committee, Cllr Sven hocking moved the motion of Refusal. This was seconded by Cllr George Jeans.


The Committee sought clarification on the matter of a warranty, which it was noted was not a planning policy consideration.


The Committee then discussed the application, main points included the high level of quality and design to the units which had already been developed on the site, the conservation officer comments and the lack of objection by the statutory consultees.


The Committee then voted on the motion of refusal, in line with Officer recommendation.


The motion failed.


Cllr Hocking then moved the motion of approval with conditions. The Officer was asked to present suitable condition to the Committee. The conditions which had been applied to the permission for the other units on the site were read to the Committee. Cllr Hocking supported the list of conditions proposed by the Officer.


This motion and the conditions as read were seconded by Cllr Rich Rogers.


The Committee then discussed the application further, with consideration given to the evidence as set out in the report which supported the need for demolishment, parking spaces and conditions.


The Committee then voted on the motion to approve with conditions as read by the Officer.


It was;




That planning permission for application PL/2023/02118 be granted with the following conditions:


1.The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three
years from the date of this permission.


REASON: To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country
Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2.The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


Proposed Site Plan ref 220034 -220-Rev A

Unit 3 Proposed Floor Plans and Elevations ref 220032 -220-Rev C

Unit 3 Proposed Site Plan ref 220031 -220-Rev B



REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


3.The access road, including any footpath and turning space, shall be constructed to ensure that, before the dwelling is occupied, it has been provided with a properly consolidated and surfaced footpath and carriageway to at least base course level between the dwelling and existing highway.


REASON: To ensure that the development is served by an adequate means of access.


4.The dwelling shall not be occupied until the parking space(s) together with the access thereto, have been provided in accordance with the approved plans.


REASON: In the interests of highway safety and the amenity of future occupants.


5.The dwelling shall not be occupied until visibility splays have been provided between the edge of the carriageway and a line extending from a point 2.4 metres back from the edge of the carriageway, measured along the centre line of the access, to the points on the edge of the carriageway 43 metres in both directions. Such splays shall thereafter be permanently maintained free from obstruction to vision above a height of 600mm above the level of the adjacent carriageway.


REASON: In the interests of highway safety.


6.The development shall not be occupied until the traffic calming measures for the access road to meet 20mph zone guidance have been implemented in full in accordance with the Condition 6 document, by Hibberd development company, received on 14 December 2022 (under PL/2021/10665) and drawing EXTERNAL WORKS CONSTRUCTION BUILD-UPS ref SL07414-HBPW-00-ZZ-DR-C-0400 rev C1.


REASON: In the interests of highway safety.


7.The development shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted flood risk assessment (Ref: Rev.E, dated April 2018) including the following mitigation measures detailed in paragraph 3.8 of the FRA:


There shall be a finished floor level minimum of 50.93mAOD for the dwelling hereby approved.


Reason: To reduce the risk of flooding to the proposed development and future occupants.


8. The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until provision for foul and surface water sewage disposal have been provided for the dwelling.


REASON: To ensure that the development is adequately served by foul and surface water drainage.


9.There shall be no ground raising/infilling of land within the area delineated as 'Flood Zone 2 boundary' (all land below 50.5 metres AOD).


REASON: To prevent increased flood risk elsewhere.


10. The dwelling shall not be occupied until the Building Regulations Optional requirement of a maximum water use of 110 litres per person per day has been complied with.


REASON: To ensure compliance with the prevailing mitigation strategy for nutrient neutrality in the water catchment for the River Avon within which this development is located. This condition also contributes to sustainable development and meeting the demands of climate change. Increased water efficiency for all new developments enables more growth with the same water resources.


11.Bat roosts and mitigation (bat lofts and access tiles as shown on Figs E3a and E3b) shall be incorporated into the development in accordance with the Natural England licence ref 2019-43334-EPS-MIT as subsequently modified, before the development is occupied.


REASON: In the interest of protected bat species.


12.The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the nesting bird mitigation: Recommendations Section 6 in the Bat and Bird Mitigation Survey by Ecology Solutions dated November 2020 ref 8382.BBSMR.vf1.


Any new lighting installed within the site or on the building shall comply with the Bat Conservation Trust’s Bats and artificial lighting in the UK Guidance Note 08/185.


Any mitigation for nesting birds (bird terraces and bird boxes) shall be installed on the exterior of the building and onto retained trees in accordance with plan ref ECO9 in the Bat and Bird Mitigation Survey by Ecology Solutions dated November 2020 ref 8382.BBSMR.vf1.


Any nesting boxes and terraces shall be installed before there is any occupation of the dwelling hereby approved and shall be maintained in perpetuity.


REASON: In the interest of protected species and wider ecology constraints and to ensure that bat boxes are not subject to significant light levels. To offer new nesting opportunities for local bird populations and to secure biodiversity net gain for the site in accordance with the NPPF.


13. All existing trees shown to be retained shall be protected during development in accordance with the Tree Protection Plan (DRG No.WCM/SSR/WE/NF/TP/1 dated 10/12/17 and WCM/SSR/WE/NF/RTP/1 dated 10/12/17 showing the exact position of each tree/s and their protective fencing in accordance with British Standard 5837.


The protective fencing shall be erected in accordance with the approved details. The protective fencing shall remain in place for the entire development phase and until all equipment, machinery and surplus materials have been removed from the site. Such fencing shall not be removed or breached during construction operations.


No retained tree/s shall be cut down, uprooted or destroyed, nor shall any retained tree/s be topped or lopped other than in accordance with the approved plans and particulars. If any retained tree is removed, uprooted, destroyed or dies, another tree shall be planted at the same place, at a size and species and planted at such time, that must be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.


REASON: In the interests of tree preservation, in the interests of landscape amenity and to provide continued foraging and commuting opportunities for bats.


14. The approved landscaping scheme (Landscape Design May 2020 by Landform Consultants Ltd) shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following first occupation of the building(s) or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner within that particular phase; any trees or plants which within a period of five years, die, are removed, or become seriously damaged or diseased, shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species.


REASON: in the interests of landscape amenity.


15. The development hereby permitted shall be completed in accordance with the Water Efficiency Statement Jan 2020 by Atlas Planning Group.


REASON: In the interests of sustainable development and climate change adaptation.


16.The construction/demolition phase of the development will be carried out
fully in accordance at all times with the Construction Management Plan by
Hibberd Development Co Ltd Unique No 675/001 Rev 3 dated 23/01/20
(received 23/1/20) and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority on

REASON: In the interests of amenity.


17.No construction or demolition work shall take place on Sundays or Public Holidays or outside the hours of 07:30 to 18:00 Monday to Friday and 08:00 to 13:00 on Saturdays and no burning of waste or other materials shall take place on the development site during the demolition/construction phase of the development


REASON: In the interest of neighbouring amenity.


18. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the details in the application hereby approved (namely stone and cladding for the walls and slate for the roof) and the details in the email from Atlas Planning Ltd dated 29/3/21 which states that:


- all reclaimed and serviceable stone from the original buildings shall be reused in the reconstruction of the dwellings hereby approved. Any reused ashlar stone shall be supplemented with new matching stone where required and finished with narrow joints to match the existing adjacent buildings where appropriate.


Reason: To ensure a harmonious form of development and to ensure that stone and stone features reclaimed from the site are re-used in the development in the interests of the character of the Conservation Area and to retain heritage features of interest as part of the final development.



19.Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General
Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting or amending that Order with or without modification), there shall be
no additions to, or extensions or enlargements of any building forming part
of the development hereby permitted.

REASON: In the interests of the amenity of the area and to enable the Local
Planning Authority to consider individually whether planning permission
should be granted for additions, extensions or enlargements.


20.The dwelling hereby approved shall not be occupied until a scheme of Ultra Low Energy Vehicle infrastructure has been provided on the site. The scheme shall be retained for the lifetime of the development.


Reason: Core Policy 55 Development proposals, which by virtue of their scale, nature or location are likely to exacerbate existing areas of poor air quality, will need to demonstrate that measures can be taken to effectively mitigate emission levels in order to protect public health, environmental quality and amenity.




Safeguards should be implemented during the construction phase to minimise the risks of pollution of the river and watercourse from the development. Such safeguards should cover:


• the use of plant and machinery

• wheel washing and vehicle wash-down

• oils/chemicals and materials

• the use and routing of heavy plant and vehicles

• the location and form of work and storage areas and compounds

• the control and removal of spoil and wastes.



Recent surveys have identified evidence for water voles and otters along the north boundary watercourse. The applicant should note that under the terms of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) and the Habitats Regulations (2010) it is an offence to disturb or harm any protected species, or to damage or disturb their habitat or resting place.


Please note that this consent does not override the statutory protection afforded to any such species. In the event that your proposals could potentially affect a protected species you should seek the advice of a suitably qualified and experienced ecologist and consider the need for a licence from Natural England prior to commencing works. Please see Natural England’s website for further information on protected species.


Supporting documents: