Agenda item

Performance and Risk Report 2023-24 - Quarter One

To receive the Quarter One - Performance and Risk Report 2023-24, considered by Cabinet on 12 September 2023 as well as the Financial Planning Task Group, on 8 September 2023.


The Chairman noted that in the agenda was a report which set out a quarter one update on performance against the stated missions in the Council’s Business Plan 2022-32. The Strategic Risk Summary is also included.


It was noted that the report had been considered by Cabinet on 12 September.


Cllr Nick Botterill, Cabinet Member for Finance, Development Control and Strategic Planning stated that the report was the best way to ensure that the Council was open and transparent about achieved performance. The report was an important tool in discussions about long term performance as well as allowing a way to monitor and ask questions when things go wrong.


Perry Holmes, Director for Legal and Governance, stated that there was an aspiration to provide this report every quarter to outline financial position, what money was being spent on as well as risk. It was noted that the performance information was now a settled data set with patterns and elements emerging for consideration. It was outlined that performance was considered in several areas including Performance and Outcomes Boards (POBs), Cabinet as well as Scrutiny to provide a good oversight of performance. Reference within the report was made to the Office for Local Government (OFLOG), with it noted that information produced by OFLOG might not be providing a balanced picture, with the Chief Executive likely to make representations.


The following comments were received by Members of the Committee, including requests for additional information against performance metrics including temporary accommodation and adult social care; to which it was agreed that a response would be added to the minutes. Attention was also drawn to numbers relating to anti-social behaviour cases sitting at 70%, under the identified target of 90%; to which the Director of Legal and Governance noted that the figures provided were from the Police. Points were also raised regarding the percentage of gigabit broadband and 4G mobile coverage being lower than it would be liked, with a suggestion that 37% of the county do not have gigabit connectivity. To which it was suggested that though this was a valid point in relation to aspirations of business and connectivity, it was important to remember that Wiltshire was home to significant areas of outstanding beauty and therefore due to geography would not always be able to provide the improvements referred to. It was also suggested by the Director that should this be an area of interest for Scrutiny, it would be possible to pull together data and timelines for improvements. It was also noted that the data provided was based on the coverage of premises and access to one of the four network providers and was not based on the area itself.


Further comments were received in relation to the record of activity in children, with clarity sought in relation to where the responsibility of encouraging activity in children would lie. Points in response noted that Wiltshire Council had a vested interest in the active population through its business plan and corporate statements as well as being the democratic body which could convene parts of society to transform the active nature of the population. Furthermore, that the Council did have a statutory duty under the Education act to promote positive activities for young people, with a provision provided through £350,000 funding distributed through Local Youth Networks.


A further point was also made in relation to the positive data reported in relation to the reablement service and how this was within 1.2% of the target zone, which it was suggested could possibly be met if not for staff vacancies.


At the conclusion of discussion, it was,




The Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee agreed to note:


1.    The updates and outturns against the measures and activities mapped against the Council’s priorities.

2.    The Strategic Risk Summary.

3.    To seek written responses to the questions raised against specific indicators within report.

4.    To invite the select committees to consider the indicators within their remits and explore further where appropriate.

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