Agenda item

Report from the Housing Allocations Policy Task Group

To receive the report of the Housing Allocations policy task group.


Councillor Jonathon Seed, Chairman of the Housing Allocations Policy Task Group, presented the findings and recommendations of the Task Group for endorsement by the Committee.


The background and Terms of Reference of the Task Group alongside an overview of Housing Allocation policies and relevant evidence were detailed as per the report, and the various witnesses who provided information and supported Members in their decision-making were thanked, with particular thanks given to Nicole Smith, Head of Housing, Migration & Resettlement, and her team.


The conclusions and then each of the 13 recommendations were summarised, and thanks were given to the Members of the Task Group and Simon Bennett, Senior Scrutiny Officer, for his support and hard work throughout the process.


During the discussion, points included:


·       Under occupation was raised and it was confirmed that the Task Group had deliberated upon providing incentives to downsize for applicable occupants. If an incentive scheme was developed and accepted by tenants, officers could then enable a better use of the housing stock by providing more suitable homes for those in housing need.

·       Recommendation 8 was raised, and it was further explained that as discussed in detail with officers, such multi-tenancies could be an option for individuals that had particular personal needs.

·       It was highlighted that one of the aims of the Task Group was to encourage housing providers to consider implementing certain policy areas in tandem with the Council.

·       Paragraphs 15, 16, and 53 were highlighted and Members were reassured that officers would continue striving to increase the number of people housed from the housing register. It was further noted that any tenants that wished to bid for a Shared Equity House were required to be on the housing register. As such, within the total amount of people on the housing register, there would be a significant number of those that would not qualify for social housing.

·       It was confirmed that the figures as specified in Paragraph 20 were as up to date as officers could provide at the time of the Task Group’s deliberations. Members noted that the breakdown of figures was useful when considering planning applications and housing needs within different areas. It was highlighted that in order to understand those needs further, Housing Need Assessment Surveys could be conducted to provide better insight when considering any planning applications.

·       Table 5 of the report under Paragraph 31 was raised, with Members expressing concerns as to the high level of people fleeing domestic abuse. It was confirmed that those applications verified under the exclusions criteria were a priority for housing, and it was highlighted that there had been a concerted effort to encourage people to report domestic violence, therefore better reporting may have led to such a figure.

·       Councillor Seed, other Members of the Task Group, and associated officers were commended for their hard work and effort throughout.


At the conclusion of the discussion, it was:




The Committee endorsed the report of the Task Group and refers it to the Cabinet Members for Housing, Strategic Assets, Asset Transfer, for response at the Committee’s next meeting.


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