Agenda item


To receive a presentation from the Director of Business Transformation.


The Chairman introduced that the next agenda item was to receive a presentation regarding the council’s transformation activity. The inclusion of an item on this topic was one of the outcomes from a recent work planning meeting between the Chairman, the Committee Vice-chair, the Deputy Chief Executive and the Director for Transformation.


Stuart Honeyball, Director for Transformation; and Andy Brown, Deputy Chief Executive provided a presentation to the Committee. It was agreed that the presentation would be attached to the minutes. The presentation covered the following points:

·       Context was provided regarding the creation of the Transformation Team as well as the focus areas identified by the team and how outcomes would be aligned to the business plan.

·       The importance of enabling services was outlined with it noted that services had been brought together so that when projects start, they can be supported and receive the required resources.

·       The principles of the Transformation Team were outlined, which would allow for a consistent and joined up approach. The funding of Transformation work was outlined, with it noted that initially there had been £10.9m earmarked for Transformation, which had now gone down to £5.7m following significant funding towards Transformation programmes. It was outlined that funds would be one off funding for one off activities with it hoped that the savings generated through Transformation projects would replenish the resource for a continuous cycle.

·       The Transformation Pipeline and process was outlined and broken down into key stages as well as the structure in place and reporting lines.

·       An overview of the current tasks within the Transformation Pipeline with tasks and their progress statuses.

·       The importance of data and insight was outlined and the opportunities that such work would create.


The following comments were received by Members of the Committee, with clarity provided regarding the sustainability of funding, with it noted that though this wasn’t an immediate risk or pressure, there was a recognition that once the reserve was gone and funding was not replenished through savings, then this would have to be built into the base budget. The notion of Transformation being never ending was discussed, with positive feedback placed towards the team.


Clarity was provided regarding how a culture change would be completed and how this would be completed through a top-down approach with a shift from systems thinking. Additionally, a complete restructure of the team had taken place, with an aim to move away from professional specialisms with a focus on role descriptions and skillsets. It was noted that the Corporate Peer Challenge had stated that the approach needed to be embedded and communicated, with conversations now taking place with heads of services. The toolset for departments to engage with the Transformation Team had been created in a way that would be easy with the governance in place also simplified. It was also noted that by nature the team was currently in a reactive position, however work was being done to be more proactive with two business partner posts recently recruited to, whose job would be to identify opportunities.


At the conclusion of discussion, it was,




The Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee agreed to note:


1.    To note and welcome the information provided regarding the council’s approach to transformation.

2.    For the Chair and Vice-chair to explore the merit of establishing a Transformation Task Group with a proposal coming to committee in due course.

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