To receive the report of the Chief Executive.
Cabinet notes and agrees:
1) Performance against the selected measures mapped to the Council’s strategic priorities.
2) The Strategic Risk Summary.
Reason for Decision:
To provide Cabinet with a quarterly update on measures used to monitor progress against the 10 missions laid out in Wiltshire Council’s Business Plan 2022-32.
To provide Cabinet with a quarterly update on the Council’s strategic risks and the current position of threats, and potential threats, the Council faces in delivering its services, responsibilities and ambitions.
Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of the Council, presented a report providing an update on the progress against the stated missions in the Council’s Business Plan 2022-2032 using measures of performance available at the end of the second quarter of the financial year.
The Leader reported that the numbers of affordable housing for quarter 2 were down from the previous quarter due to an overall downturn in the market, which impacts the delivery from housebuilders. There was also a delay in the delivery of some affordable housing units due to the need for phosphate mitigation.
Cllr Graham Wright, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee, reported that the Management Committee would be considering the report on 27 November 2024.
Cllr Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, commented on (i) the measure for EHCP’s issued within 20 weeks on time with no exceptions and the impact on the Dedicated Schools Grant and Safety Valve; Cllr Laura Mayes, Deputy Leader explained that the 20 week timescale is a statutory figure and although the intention is to meet this deadline, it is not always possible support is tailored to each child as an individual. The Leader and Cllr Davies repeated that the assessment timescales are an aspiration, and it should not be at the cost to the child being assessed and DSG funding is not impacted by this; (ii) reduced performance in relation to anti-social behaviour cases resolved within 60 days; The Leader reported that there were a number of complex ASB cases this quarter requiring multiagency responses. The Team has been operating on reduced resource as recruitment to a vacancy has proven unsuccessful; Cllr Muns referred to a PSPO addressing a serious ASB case in Devizes and PSPO’s are not about just moving young people on from an area; and (iii) the reduction in uptake of NHS health checks. The Leader referred to the invitation letters sent to appropriate people and he has raised the issue with the Integrated Care Board and will pursue a response to this question.
Cllr Gavin Grant commented on the overall educational outcomes measure for KS4 and the reason why the report refers to 2023 rather than 2024. Officers explained that the measures for 2023/24 were not available for this quarter but that these would be updated for future quarters reporting.
Cllr Adrian Foster referred to a question asked at Full Council by Cllr Hubbard that had not received a response to date about the type of homes and ratios of number of bedrooms being purchased by Stone Circle; The Leader confirmed that the response would be sought, and a response would be forwarded as soon as possible. The Leader explained that housing needs surveys were undertaken in rural areas although these did not really identify the housing need as this can change regularly. He noted that 2 bedroom homes currently had the largest demand. Cllr Phil Alford agreed to source responses to the questions raised by Cllr Foster.
Cllr Richard Budden commented on the Council’s carbon emissions and welcomed the dashboard, however he was concerned about the lack of information about scope 3 emissions not being recorded. Cllr Budden accepted that it was sometimes difficult to gather the data he had requested, and he indicated that a similar request had been raised at Cabinet around November 2023. Cllr Dominic Muns reported that this matter was raised at a recent Environment Select Committee and officers agreed to source the information requested by Cllr Budden, although it was indicated at the time that gathering the information may take a while, Cllr Muns had been copied into an email from officers to Cllr Budden with the requested information.
Cabinet notes and agrees:
1) Performance against the selected measures mapped to the Council’s strategic priorities.
2) The Strategic Risk Summary.
Reason for Decision:
To provide Cabinet with a quarterly update on measures used to monitor progress against the 10 missions laid out in Wiltshire Council’s Business Plan 2022-32.
To provide Cabinet with a quarterly update on the Council’s strategic risks and the current position of threats, and potential threats, the Council faces in delivering its services, responsibilities and ambitions.
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