Agenda item

Future Waste Collection Service Design

      To receive the report of the Corporate Director Place.




Cabinet approves:


1)    The adoption of a Three Stream recycling collection service during the next contract period, with Wiltshire residents to be provided with an additional recycling container to allow paper and cardboard to be kept separate from mixed dry recyclables and glass at the point of collection; and


2)    The delegation of the progression of options relating to the future Material Recovery Facility service to the Director for Environment in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Waste and Environment, in consultation with the Waste Transformation Programme Board.


Reasons for Decision:


The recommended future waste collection service design follows intensive work to model a range of potential options and compare their environmental and financial performance, and account for the provision of new statutory services to comply with requirements under the Environment Act 2021. The Three Stream recycling collection method (Option 2) delivers compelling financial and environmental performance outcomes and can be supported by existing infrastructure. The proposed future collection method also limits the direct impact on residents and provides an opportunity for a significant reduction in carbon emissions.



Cllr Dominic Muns, Cabinet member for Waste and Environment presented a report seeking approval for a change in kerbside recycling collection method based on the modelled outcomes, for implementation by 2028, following statutory introduction of food and flexible plastics collection by 2027. In addition, to advise of changes needed for the Materials Recovery Facility services following decisions on service design.


Cllr Muns explained that the report summarised the outcome of technical modelling commissioned to examine the impacts of the introduction of separate collections of food waste collections and adding flexible plastics to current collection services, as required by law from 2027, and recommends further changes alongside these to ensure best value and improve service performance. The assessments demonstrate that making changes to the Council’s current recycling collection scheme can provide service cost mitigation. Ensuring the council delivers ‘efficient and effective’ recycling collection services in the context of new government funding schemes and that it contributes to a reduction in carbon emissions.


Cabinet noted that a decision on recycling collection methodology was necessary and welcomed the proposals detailed in the report.


Cllr Jerry Kunkler, Chairman of the Environment Select Committee reported that he and the Vice-Chairman of the Environment Select Committee received a briefing on the Future Waste Collection Service Design on 13 November. Cllr Kunkler noted that this is a complex decision with a number of variables to consider. He highlighted a number of issues that were discussed during the briefing and commended the Officers, the Cabinet Member and Portfolio Holder for amount of research and thought gone into this service design. This gave him reassurance that an informed decision based upon all the available evidence can be made.


Cllr Martin Smith, on behalf of Cllr Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, welcomed the proposals and expressed support for the direction of travel. He commented on recycling rates and whether they were likely to be more ambitious than those detailed in the report, achieving performance standards, and flexibility in future contracts. Cllr Muns explained that the proposals were the next step in a long journey for recycling and that officers would continue to monitor recycling rate performance and make improvements where necessary. Cllr Muns conveyed a confidence in officers negotiating contracts with flexibility built in. 


Cllr Budden welcome the proposals and their direction of travel, and commented on performance remaining below industry standards, potential push-back from residents accepting additional bins, and questioned the figures detailed in Appendix 3 of the report.




Cabinet approves:


1)    The adoption of a Three Stream recycling collection service during the next contract period, with Wiltshire residents to be provided with an additional recycling container to allow paper and cardboard to be kept separate from mixed dry recyclables and glass at the point of collection; and


2)    The delegation of the progression of options relating to the future Material Recovery Facility service to the Director for Environment in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Waste and Environment, in consultation with the Waste Transformation Programme Board.


Reasons for Decision:


The recommended future waste collection service design follows intensive work to model a range of potential options and compare their environmental and financial performance, and account for the provision of new statutory services to comply with requirements under the Environment Act 2021. The Three Stream recycling collection method (Option 2) delivers compelling financial and environmental performance outcomes and can be supported by existing infrastructure. The proposed future collection method also limits the direct impact on residents and provides an opportunity for a significant reduction in carbon emissions.


Supporting documents: