Agenda item

Update on the Towns Programme App Development

As resolved at the Environment Select Committee meeting on 4 January 2023, the Select Committee will receive an update report.


Please note: this report will follow as an Agenda Supplement.



Councillor Richard Clewer, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Military-Civilian Integration, Health and Wellbeing, Economic Development, Heritage, Arts, and Tourism, introduced the report alongside Victoria Moloney, Head of Economy and Regeneration.


A brief overview of the nine workstreams was detailed as per Paragraphs 12 – 24 of the report, with particular reference to the Explore Wiltshire Trails App, the Explore Wiltshire Events Progressive Web App, and the Vibrant Wiltshire Scheme.


During the discussion, points included:


·       It was explained that officers were undertaking a lot of footfall analysis to understand public behaviours and it was noted that the majority of towns were returning to pre-pandemic levels of footfall. It was acknowledged that although the high streets were active, there would be continued shifts over time, therefore it was important that officers understood which towns would maintain footfall and which towns may need alternative strategies. Furthermore, it was noted that a lot of the smaller high streets were still in the recovery stage rather than the newer market patterns of a post-covid landscape. As such, these transition towns would require structural change which was recognised within the programme with officers identifying which towns needed additional support to address those challenges. However, it was highlighted that the most progress was being made with Town and Parish Councils that actively engaged with the programme.

·       It was noted that the initial footfall data gleaned provided a snapshot in time, but allowed for a benchmark for those towns who had the biggest retails sectors. As such, monthly reports were developed for each town and officers had trained Town and Parish Councils on how to understand and best use those reports.

·       Visit Wiltshire was raised, and it was confirmed that regular meetings were continuing to be undertaken to discuss how all partners and organisations could collectively support the tourism economy. Officers were additionally looking at legacy agreements, structures, and partnership to ensure that best marketing practice was embedded in Town and Parish Councils.

·       The importance of events as a powerful driver was highlighted and officers explained that due to the volume of events across Wiltshire, there was not enough resources to include them all within the Explore Wiltshire Events app upon launch. As such, the larger events with links to town centres were currently being prioritised, however it was emphasised that work would continue with Town and Parish Councils and trusted partners to start including smaller events in the future.

·       The barriers associated with encouraging the public to use the two apps and visit different areas across Wiltshire were observed, and it was explained that the Explore Wiltshire Events platform would operate as both a mobile app and a website so that the public could also access the site through a browser. Additionally, officers were making use of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and were working with the Highways and Transport Department by investing in Demand Responsive Transport to expand the network and enhance accessibility to towns, services, and employment.

·       It was explained that under the UK Shared Prosperity Fund officers were in the process of designing and launching a programme called ‘Rural Hubs’ which centred on support for rural enterprises to ensure that they had the ability to access a different kind of support to that of a commercial town centre business.

·       Due to the complexity of the landscape, it was acknowledged that bespoke support was needed for those Town and Parish Councils who were less familiar with the different practices’ officers were advising and that it would take time to embed these alongside providing the appropriate infrastructure necessary.

·       Members commended officers on their hard work and the progress being made, and Members were encouraged to contact officers if they had any further suggestions or feedback.


At the conclusion of the discussion, it was then:




The Committee:


1)    Noted the update.


2)    Requested a further update in 12 months’ time.


3)    Requested that information on footfall data be brought to a future meeting as a Part II item.




Supporting documents: