LHFIG Recommendations
To note the minutes and consider any recommendations arising from the last LHFIG meeting held on 19 September 2024, as set out in the attached report.
Milford Mill Road Traffic Concerns
To discuss local concerns regarding HGV and speed of vehicular traffic.
Further information on the LHFIG process can be found here.
Salisbury Transport Strategy Funding
The Chairman had received an update relating to approved funding for some of the schemes submitted to be progressed. A list of approved projects were circulated at the meeting.
The remaining requests would continue to be progressed by the LHFIG and future updates on this would be brought to the Area Board.
Members discussed the update and praised the positive news. A request for this to become a standing item on future agendas was supported by the Board, as was the request to establish the amount of remaining funding in the sTS budget for the other schemes.
Action: - Report back remaining STS budget and add as a standing item on future agendas.
The Board considered the report and funding recommendations arising from the last LHFIG meeting held on 19 September 2024.
It was;
To approve the LHFIG funding recommendations to the following schemes:
Milford Mill Road Traffic Concerns
Cllr McGrath presented context to the issue and an overview of the local concerns regarding HGV and speed of vehicular traffic along Milford Mill Road.
This issue had previously been to LHFIG for consideration. Since that time, National Highways had confirmed that any traffic calming measures on A36 would now not start for at least 10 years. This news meant that the issues along Milford Mill Road (MMR) would continue for the next 10 years until something was done about the A36.
Following resident reports of danger along the road to get access properties and the unsuitable of the bridges for HGVs, Cllr McGrath asked the Board for its support in exploring the matter further. He stated that the time for gathering evidence had passed, and that a solution was now expected.
A member of the Milford Area Preservation Group (MAPG) also spoke on the issue. The issues were highlighted as the unsuitability of the old marching road for modern day HGV access and the huge volumes of speeding traffic which were reported as being a danger to the residents living along MMR.
We need action now.
The Chairman of Salisbury LHFIG, Cllr Corbin expressed her understanding of the issues reported and noted the Road Safety Partnership Officer’s offer for people to make direct contact with him regarding individual road safety issues.
Cllr Corbin noted the extent of traffic calming measures which had been implemented along MMR.
The Board discussed the request for progressing the issue back through LHFIG and supported the approach, with the addition of a pre-meeting to be held to discuss options available and establish local input.
Members requested that at MMR straddled two community areas, that the LHFIG officer for the Southern Wiltshire community area and the local Area Board Member for Southern Wiltshire Area Board be included in the invite.
The Board noted the history of the ancient packway and suggested that a ban on HGV vehicles should be put to the LHFIG Officer for consideration.
Cllr Hocking noted that he had been involved with the LHFIG for many years and was aware of the history of MMR. He highlighted the difficulty in changing Google traffic map search results, which were often the cause of congestion on back roads and cut throughs.
Data from a Lorry Watch scheme active in the area had collated information which had not been acted on by the Police. The Board supported writing to the Road Safety team to request their input and action.
The Chairman of Laverstock & Ford Parish Council was also in attendance and spoke in support of finding solutions to address the local concerns.
The restrictions to implementation of physical obstructions was explained in relation to a legal right to access.
The Chairman proposed that in relation to the requests to restrict access to traffic from the A36, a meeting should be convened, inviting all stakeholders to discuss what was available within the law, prior to the next LHFIG.
This proposal was supported by the Board, with the request that it be held prior to Christmas.
Councillor Charles McGrath moved an amended motion, to include all of the agreed proposals. This was seconded by Cllr Sample.
It was;
The Salisbury Area Board agreed to:
Supporting documents: