Agenda item

Area Board Funding

To note the remaining budgets and to consider any applications for funding, as detailed in the attached report and summarised below:


Remaining Budgets:


Community Area Grant

Young People

Older & Vulnerable





Officer: Karen Linaker, Strategic Engagement & Partnerships Manager



Area Board Initiatives:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


Winterbourne Intergenerational Christmas




Winterslow Tuesday Club Silent Disco




Digital Inclusion project for older people and vulnerable adults



Community Area Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


God Unlimited Outdoor Therapy – Gul Riverside Classroom installation.


Total project cost £30,000



Community Transport South Wiltshire – Community Minibus Replacement


Total project cost £70,000



Barrys Field Youth Users Group – Sports Equipment


Total project cost £15,446



Older & Vulnerable Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


Silver Salisbury Group – Intergenerational Grandparents Day at River Bourne Community Farm.

Total project cost £500



Awarded under

Delegated Authority


Redlynch Parish Council – Walking Football Equipment

Total project cost £1,430



Wiltshire Music Centre – Celebrating Age Wiltshire

Total project cost £10,809



Young People Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


DEED Promoting Global Education and Learning – Drain Art sharing learning and changing behaviour.

Total project cost £18,450



Laverstock & Ford Parish Council – Bishopdown Farm Youth Club

Total project cost £5,070



Downton Parish Council – Downton Mural Project

Total project cost £2,000



Old Sarum Youth Club – New Cooking & Sports Equipment

Total project cost £500



Delegated Funding

The Board is asked to note any funding awards made under the Delegated Funding Process, by the Strategic Engagement & Partnership Manager, between meetings due to matters of urgency:


·       ABG1885 (as above) – Silver Salisbury Group – Intergenerational Grandparents Day at River Bourne Community Farm - awarded £500.


Further information on the Area Board Grant system can be found here.





The Board noted the budgets remaining for allocation at the meeting and heard from representatives in attendance who gave a brief overview of their project followed by any questions by the Board.


Area Board Initiatives:

The Engagement and Partnership Lead Officer, Karlene Jammeh, presented the three Area Board Initiative bids.


The Area Board Initiative - Winterbourne Intergenerational Christmas Party, requested £500.


Cllr Richard Clewer moved the motion to award in full. This was seconded by Cllr Andrew Oliver.



The Area Board Initiative, Winterbourne Intergenerational Christmas Party was awarded £500 towards the project.

Reason – The application met the Grants Criteria 2024/25



The Area Board Initiative - Winterslow Tuesday Club, Silent Disco requested £400.


Cllr Zoe Clewer moved the motion to award in full. This was seconded by Cllr Andrew Oliver.



The Area Board Initiative, Winterslow Tuesday Club, Silent Disco was awarded £400 towards the project.

Reason – The application met the Grants Criteria 2024/25



The Area Board Initiative - Digital Inclusion project for older people and vulnerable adults requested £500



The project appears to be a valuable scheme for people who don’t have family to support them. Is this a pilot scheme, how will it play out?

Answer: There would be a 5-week programme, so approximately 12-15 people for support with laptops, i-pads and tablets. We will also look to deliver a Techie Tea Party for 1-2-1 mobile phone support. A venue had not yet been found, so open to suggestions.


The project seemed to be tailor made for intergeneration work, could that be looked at?

Answer: Yes, this can be explored.


Cllr Zoe Clewer moved the motion to award in full. This was seconded by Cllr Andrew Oliver.



The Area Board Initiative, Digital Inclusion project for older people and vulnerable adults was awarded £500 towards the project.

Reason – The application met the Grants Criteria 2024/25



Community Area Grants:


God Unlimited – outdoor therapy Riverside Classroom, requested £5000

The Applicant James Dwyer spoke in support of the project.


Support 350 young people a year 60% come from the Southern Wiltshire area.

Wooden building with 1/3 classroom 1/3 office. Operate all year round.


The organisation was founded by Christians which remained an important part of their values, the service was open to everyone.


How many full-time (FT) equivalent staff were on the team?

Answer: 21 staff across the charity, with 9 (FT equivalent) at Riverside.


Cllr Richard Clewer moved the motion to award in full. This was seconded by Cllr Ian McLennan.



God Unlimited was awarded £5000 towards the outdoor therapy Riverside Classroom project.

Reason – The application met the Grants Criteria 2024/25



Community Transport South Wilts, Minibus replacement project, requested £5000. The Applicant Graham Audin spoke in support of the project.

Door to door transport for people struggling to get out and cannot afford taxi services, with 5 x services in south Wiltshire.


Had the other ABs applied to been determined yet?

Answer: No next week and week after.


The Board discussed the standard conditions which were applied to all grants, specifically that if the match funding was not successful, the funding would not be released.


Cllr Andrew Oliver moved the motion to award in full. This was seconded by Cllr Richard Clewer.



Community Transport South Wilts was awarded £5000 towards the minibus replacement project.

Reason – The application met the Grants Criteria 2024/25


Barry’s Field Youth User Group, Sports Equipment, requested £4197

The Applicant Richard Pearce spoke in support of the project.


Would the award be used for capital items?

Answer: Yes the goals and storage element was capital.


How many other grant providers did you apply to and when would you hear back?

Answer: Only one of the 5 we applied to had responded so far, they rejected us because they were out of funds. The other 4 were very vague, not sure when they will respond.


If you were successful in some of those bids, would you consider reducing what was needed from the AB?

Answer: Yes


Cllr Zoe Clewer moved the motion to award in full. This was seconded by Cllr Richard Britton.



Barry’s Field Youth User Group was awarded £4197 towards Sports Equipment.

Reason – The application met the Grants Criteria 2024/25


Older & Vulnerable Adults Grants:


The application by the Silver Salisbury Group, for an Intergenerational Grandparents Day at River Bourne Comm Farm was noted as the application had been considered and awarded £500 under SEPM Delegated Authority.


Redlynch Parish Council – Walking Football Equipment, requested £715                  The Applicant spoke in support of the project.


Cllr Zoe Clewer moved the motion to award in full. This was seconded by Cllr Richard Clewer.



Redlynch Parish Council was awarded £715 towards Walking Football Equipment.

Reason – The application met the Grants Criteria 2024/25


Wiltshire Music Centre – Celebrating age requested £1500.

The Applicant Rebecca Seymour, spoke in support of the project.



Wiltshire Music Centre was awarded £1500 towards the Celebrating Age Project.

Reason – The application met the Grants Criteria 2024/25



Young People Grants:


DEED Promoting Global Education and Learning – Drain Art sharing learning and changing behaviour, requested £4150.

The Applicant Sarah Wise spoke in support of the project.

We haven’t yet identified the drains the artwork would be painted on.


The Chairman noted that a response from Highways received earlier in the day, had confirmed that they did not support the proposal to pain around drains on the highway.


In addition, concern was raised regarding any associated health and safety issues the artwork may cause to visually impaired or vulnerable people using the highways or walking on pavements next to the painted drains.


The Board discussed the longevity of the project and value for money if the artwork was designed to wash away after 1 year.


The Applicant was invited to re-write the application, removing the highways aspect and to give consideration to the points raised.


Cllr Andrew Oliver moved the motion to Defer. This was seconded by Cllr Zoe Clewer.



The application by DEED Promoting Global Education and Learning for Drain Art was Deferred.

Reason – The Applicant had not received permission from Wiltshire Council’s Highways department to paint on to the Highway. The Applicant was advised that this aspect of the project would need to be amended to remove the inclusion of Highways drains. Once the project had been revised appropriately, the Applicant was invited to resubmit for consideration at a future meeting.


Laverstock & Ford Parish Council – Bishopdown Farm Youth Club, requested £2500.  

The Applicant Trudi Deane spoke in support of the project.


The Board discussed the benefits of having paid youth support workers running youth clubs as it provided sustainability when volunteers were not available.


It was confirmed that Salisbury City Council had agreed to provide a youth officer for a period of 1 year.


Cllr Ian McLennan moved the motion to award in full. This was seconded by Cllr Andrew Oliver.



Laverstock & Ford Parish Council was awarded £2500 towards the Bishopdown Farm Youth Club.

Reason – The application met the Grants Criteria 2024/25



Downton Parish Council – Downton Mural Project, requested £1000. 

The Applicant Stephanie Jalland spoke in support of the project.


This was a project involving year 9 Art students at Trafalgar school in collaboration with a professional artist.


The Board discussed the impact a mural could have, when there was a local theme.


The Applicant was advised to discuss the options of additional public art funding with the council outside of the meeting.


Cllr Richard Clewer moved the motion to award in full. This was seconded by Cllr Zoe Clewer.



Downton Parish Council was awarded £1000 towards the Downton Mural project.

Reason – The application met the Grants Criteria 2024/25



Old Sarum Youth Club – Cooking & Sports Equipment, requested £500.

The Applicant was not in attendance to speak on the project.


Cllr Richard Clewer moved the motion to Defer consideration of the application to a future meeting to allow a representative from the project to attend to answer any questions.


This was seconded by Cllr Andrew Oliver. 



The application from Old Sarum Youth Club was towards Cooking & Sports Equipment was deferred.

Reason – To allow for a representative to attend and answer any questions.


Delegated Funding:


The Board noted the following funding awards which had been made between meetings under the SEPM Delegated Funding Process, due to a matter of urgency:


·       As noted above, Silver Salisbury’s Intergenerational Grandparents Day was awarded £500 from the Older & Vulnerable peoples budget.



Information links: Area Board Grants &  Grants Criteria


Supporting documents: