Agenda item

Area Board Priorities

To receive any updates on the Area Board priorities:


·       Addressing climate change and protecting the environment (Lead councillor - Cllr Tamara Reay)

·       Improve opportunities for children and young people (Lead councillor – Cllr Dominic Muns)

·       Valuing and supporting our vulnerable and older people (Lead councillor – Cllr Simon Jacobs)

·       Increasing the safety of our community (Lead councillor – Cllr Kelvin Nash)

·       Support those in greatest need and improve their resilience (Lead councillor – Cllr Iain Wallis)


Lead councillors gave updates about the progress that had been made towards their priority areas:


·       Improve opportunities for children and young people.

Cllr Dominic Muns highlighted that both West Lavington Youth Club, and Bromham Youth Club, which the Area Board had supported in the past, were doing well. West Lavington had also secured funding from other streams.


Simon Fisher, Devizes Town Council (DTC) clerk, highlighted that DTC also had an aspiration to support young people. There were 3 strands to their work, increased engagement with young people, acknowledging and regarding young people, and to develop a safe space for them. Quite a lot of work had gone into this, but it was acknowledged that they were struggling. The Mayor of DTC added that DTC wanted to use a vacant property in Devizes, and within this building the idea was on the ground floor to create a youth hub/youth café/meeting service, on the middle floor to create a space for youth providers such as health services and mentors, and on the top floor a space for education facilitators for young people in Alternative Provision (AP) so that those young people could be educated in Devizes, rather than having to travel far and wide. This was proving difficult, despite willingness from the various providers, as many of these organisations were already working at full capacity. The challenge was to see how DTC could lead on the project and also fund the project. This project was to be discussed by the DTC Commercial Committee the following evening. It was hoped that DTC could open the building for young people and youth services for an open day soon, to refresh research and consultation.


In response to a question on whether Area Board funding had changed and that some projects, such as youth work, could be funded over a 3 year period, Richard Rogers, Strategic Engagement & Partnerships Manager (SEPM), stated that Area Boards could only commit funding to the financial year in which they were operating. Area Boards could state that they wished to fund projects in the future but could not commit to it as funding was dependent on budgets received (which were unknown until awarded), and these were awarded each financial year. In some areas they had started using Wiltshire Council leisure centres for youth cafés as they did not have to pay for use and were looking at working with other groups such as Community First. They were open to new ideas but were constrained by budgets and criteria. Having said that the Area Board model was being looked at again, and this review would presumably include funding. 


Attendees expressed that they wanted the Devizes youth hub to be successful, and with Simon retiring they were concerned that this might not happen, and that planning for the open day should take place as soon as possible with the aim to get the project off the ground early next year. Simon confirmed that he had identified a member of DTC staff to pick up on the project. Caroline LeQuesne, Engagement and Partnership Lead, Central, stated that there was the Devizes Youth Network which involved many youth groups might also be able to help in some way.


In response to a question form Members on funding it was explained that the building identified was currently empty. The rent that could have been gained by renting out the building was outweighed by the community benefit of the project. A grant had been awarded by the High Street Fund; however, this may be lost due to delays progressing the project. Resources were the main issue in that regard. It was agreed that those in involved in the discussion could pick it up outside of the meeting.


It was also announced that a video on Fostering was available to view here


·       Valuing and supporting our vulnerable and older people.

Cllr Simon Jacobs stated that work in this arena was undertaken with the Men’s Shed, Rotarians, Lions and DOCA, and pondered whether any of these groups could help with the youth hub idea as part of the partnership working idea.


·       Increasing the safety of our community.

Cllr Kelvin Nash highlighted that the meeting had already heard from the police, and it was great news that the PSPO was in place.


·       Support those in greatest need and improve their resilience.

The Chairman stated that he had no further update since the last meeting. The SEPM stated that there was information available at the meeting regarding the Cost of Living and Wellbeing in Devizes. These are appended to these minutes.


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