To note the remaining budgets and to consider any applications for funding, as detailed in the attached report and summarised below:
Remaining Budgets:
Community Area Grant |
Older & Vulnerable |
Young People |
£10,201.59 |
£4,700.00 |
£8,269.35 |
Balance if all grants are agreed based on recommendations:
Community Area Grant |
Older & Vulnerable |
Young People |
£10,001.59 |
-£580.00 |
£2,539.15 |
Area Board Initiatives:
Ref/Link |
Grant Details |
Amount Requested |
Devizes Area Board Christmas Evening (from Older & Vulnerable budget) |
£500.00 |
Community Area Grants:
Ref/Link |
Grant Details |
Amount Requested |
Devizes and District PHAB towards minibus seating cushions |
£200.00 |
Older & Vulnerable Grants:
Ref/Link |
Grant Details |
Amount Requested |
Devizes Opendoors towards providing the support needed to reduce social exclusion for vulnerable older adults in Devizes |
£4,780.00 |
Young People Grants:
Ref/Link |
Grant Details |
Amount Requested |
Bromham Youth Club, towards running costs for Bromham Youth Club |
£3,230.20 |
Omnes ad Unum, towards organ scholarship and teaching programme |
£2,500.00 |
Further information on the Area Board Grant system can be found here.
The Chairman presided over the item and the Area Board noted the budgets remaining for allocation at the meeting and in noted what the remaining budgets would be if all grants were awarded in full at the meeting.
The Area Board heard from grant applicants in attendance who gave a brief overview of, and were questioned about, their project. The applications were taken in a slightly different order to that published in the agenda due to the Chairman’s declaration of interest.
Community Area Grants:
· Devizes and District PHAB requested £200.00 towards minibus seating cushions.
Representatives of Devizes and District PHAB explained the project and spoke in support of the application.
Cllr Philip Whitehead proposed a motion to award the grant in full, this was seconded by Cllr Simon Jacobs.
Devizes and District PHAB was awarded £200.00 towards minibus seating cushions.
Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2024/25.
Young People Grants:
· Bromham Youth Club requested £3,230.20 towards running costs for Bromham Youth Club.
Representatives of Bromham Youth Club explained the project and spoke in support of the application.
Cllr Laura Mayes proposed a motion to award the grant in full, this was seconded by Cllr Dominic Muns.
Bromham Youth Club was awarded £3,230.20 towards running costs for Bromham Youth Club.
Reason – The application met the Youth Grants Criteria 2024/25.
· Omnes ad Unum requested £2,500.00 towards their organ scholarship and teaching programme.
Representatives of Omnes ad Unum explained the project and spoke in support of the application. It was explained that the project would start in March 2025 and that the scheme would be open to all schools in the area. The main organ at St John’s Church was being reconstructed after a fire. Transport or assistance for transport would be provided. The programme was open to all regardless of faith or religion.
In response to questions from the Board, it was explained that the project would start using the existing working organ, and it was hoped that work on the main organ would be completed by May 2025, so at that point they would swap to using the repaired main organ.
The Chairman proposed that the grant be awarded in full, and this was seconded by Cllr Simon Jacobs.
Omnes ad Unum was awarded £2,500.00 towards their organ scholarship and teaching programme
Reason – The application met the Youth Grants Criteria 2024/25.
Area Board Initiatives
· Devizes Area Board Initiative requested £500 towards the Devizes Area Board Christmas Evening (from Older & Vulnerable budget).
Cllr Kelvin Nash explained the project, stating that it would take place on the last Friday before Christmas and was aimed at the elderly and vulnerable. The event was supported by St James’s Church and would involve the town band and the military wives choir.
The Chairman proposed a motion to award the grant in full, which was seconded by Cllr Philip Whitehead.
The Devizes Area Board Initiative was awarded £500 towards the Devizes Area Board Christmas Evening
Reason – The application met the Older & Vulnerable Grants Criteria 2024/25.
Older & Vulnerable Grants:
Due to his interest declared earlier in the meeting, the Chairman withdrew from the meeting in his capacity as a Cllr at this point, and the Vice-Chairman, Cllr Dominic Muns presided over the grant. The Chairman did not take part in the debate or vote, and did not speak as a member of the public.
· Devizes Opendoors requested £4,780.00 towards providing the support needed to reduce social exclusion for vulnerable older adults in Devizes.
A representative of Devizes Opendoors explained the project and spoke in support of the application.
Members noted that there were not enough funds remaining in the Older & Vulnerable budget to award this grant in full. Richard Rogers, Strategic Engagement & Partnerships Manager (SEPM) explained that some of the funding previously awarded could come from the capital budget (Community Area Grant budget) so there would be enough left in the Older & Vulnerable Budget to award this grant in full if the Board were minded to do so.
The officer also stated that £3,000 previously awarded to The Patch, Potterne (at the Devizes Area Board on 20 November 2023) towards the establishment of the former village school as a community asset would be coming back to into the Community Area Grants pot as the project had not progressed.
Having noted the officer’s comments, Cllr Dominic Muns proposed a motion to award the grant in full, which was seconded by Cllr Philip Whitehead.
Devizes Opendoors was awarded £4,780.00 towards providing the support needed to reduce social exclusion for vulnerable older adults in Devizes.
Reason – The application met the Older & Vulnerable Grants Criteria 2024/25.
Cllr Muns handed back to Cllr Iain Wallis to continue presiding over the meeting as Chairman.
Supporting documents: