Agenda item

Library Strategy 2025 - 2030

To receive a report from the Corporate Director, Place.




That Cabinet approve the Library Strategy 2025-30.


Reason for Decision:

The results of a Local Government Association Peer Challenge in July 2023 recommended a strategy be developed so the library service could continue to innovate and adapt to meet the future needs of people living, working and studying in Wiltshire.


The potential impact of demographic, budgetary and environmental changes in the future means a clear framework is required to focus delivery and ensure the statutory requirements of the library service are maintained and delivered in a cost-effective way.


By articulating the vision, purpose and priorities of the library service over the next five years the strategy will ensure the service remains relevant and able to deliver on the national and local priorities a public library is there to support.



Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling, Cabinet member for Public Health, Leisure, Libraries and Communities presented a report seeking approval to adopt the Wiltshire Library Strategy 2025-2030.


Cllr Blair-Pilling reported that the Library Service has experienced significant change over the last 5 years and the report detailed the reasons for the changes. The strategy would help to maintain the momentum already developed and provide a clear direction to sustain and improve on this performance, particularly in the areas of health and wellbeing, economic regeneration, cultural activity and digital support.  He congratulated officers for their engagement with users in the preparation of the Strategy. He commented on the Peer Challenge by the Local Government Association and Arts Council England, undertaken in July 2023, with the key recommendations detailed in the report and the Executive Summary available at Appendix 2 of the report.


Cllr Reay provided an example of how she recently provided assistance to a member of the community in relation to the provision of a thermal imaging device that was available from the local library for community use . The Leader thanked officers for producing a very good Strategy and Cllr Davies thanked officers for delivering on the one council approach, and maximising the outcomes for all assets.


Cllr Jerry Kunkler, Chairman of the Environment Select Committee reported that he and the Vice-Chairman of the Committee received a briefing on the proposals on 5 December 2024. Cllr Kunkler reported on the discussions about improving the marketing of the service and the ‘Think Libraries First’ approach, finances, digital inclusion, and the role of libraries in supporting health and well-being. He explained that the Environment Select Committee has taken a keen interest in the development of the Library Services recognising its key role in our communities. He welcomed the new Strategy. The select committee will also want to be updated on progress over the coming years.


Cllr Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, congratulated the Cabinet member and officers for their work on the Strategy. He commented on the role of Libraries in the local community and made reference to the recent storms and potential for reporting issues to the Council via the local Library. Officers confirmed that reporting issues at a local library is acceptable.


Cllr Budden welcomed the proposals and commented on the budget underpinning the Strategy.


The Leader welcomed Colin Gale to the meeting and agreed that he could ask a question on the Library Service. Colin commented on the importance of the Mobile Library Service to rural areas and the use of redundant telephone boxes for community book schemes. Officers confirmed that the Mobile Library Service is an important element of the Library Service and reported that the Service would be taking delivery of two new Mobile Libraries in 2025. The book scheme using telephone boxes is community led and not something that the library service had capacity to be involved with.




That Cabinet approve the Library Strategy 2025-30.


Reason for Decision:

The results of a Local Government Association Peer Challenge in July 2023 recommended a strategy be developed so the library service could continue to innovate and adapt to meet the future needs of people living, working and studying in Wiltshire.


The potential impact of demographic, budgetary and environmental changes in the future means a clear framework is required to focus delivery and ensure the statutory requirements of the library service are maintained and delivered in a cost-effective way.


By articulating the vision, purpose and priorities of the library service over the next five years the strategy will ensure the service remains relevant and able to deliver on the national and local priorities a public library is there to support.


Supporting documents: