Agenda item

Partner Updates

Verbal Updates

To receive any verbal updates from representatives, including:


a.    Wiltshire Police – Neighbourhood Team

b.    Older People’s and Carer’s Champion

c.     Town and Parish Councils.



Written Updates

The Board is asked to note the following written and online updates attached to the agenda:


d.    Wiltshire Police – Neighbourhood Team

e.    Wiltshire and Swindon Road Safety Partnership

f.      Community First

g.    BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire Together – Integrated Care Board

h.    Hilmarton Parish Council

i.      Bremhill Parish Council

j.      Calne Without Parish Council

k.     Calne Town Council

Ø  Explore Wiltshire App

Ø  Twinning with Eningen Unter Achalm

Ø  Warm Spaces


Written updates were available in the agenda pack from the following partners:


·       Wiltshire Police – Neighbourhood Team, pg. 13 - 23

·       Wiltshire and Swindon Road Safety Partnership, pg. 25 - 34

·       Community First, pg. 35 - 43

·       BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire Together – Integrated Care Board, pg. 45 - 46

·       Hilmarton Parish Council, pg. 47

·       Bremhill Parish Council, pg. 49

·       Calne Without Parish Council, pg. 51

·       Calne Town Council, pg. 53

Ø  Explore Wiltshire App, pg. 55

Ø  Twinning with Eningen Unter Achalm, pg. 57 – 61

Ø  Warm Spaces, pg. 63


The following partners also provided verbal updates:


Older People’s and Carer’s Champion


The Area Board’s Older People’s and Carer’s Champion, Diane Gooch, provided an update, including:


·       Calne’s Big Get Together had been a successful, multigenerational, event.

·       Calne Reconnecting Group continued to be popular and were planning events, such as a Christmas jazz concert on 4 December.

·       The Forwards Carers group were helping people to apply for carer ID cards.

·       A session was run where people could visit a dementia bus.

·       Calne Health and Wellbeing Forum had recently received updates from Carers Together and Alzheimer’s Support and had held discussions about setting up a Neighbourhood Collaborative.


Following the update, the Area Board watched video highlights of Calne’s Big Day Out. The Area Board and members of the Reconnecting Group gave thanks to Diane and her team for their work in the community. It was noted that communities such as Calne relied on a small number of individuals and that without them it would not be the place that it was. The Area Board’s Older People’s and Carer’s Champion was then given flowers by the Strategic Engagement and Partnership Manager, Ros Griffiths. The Champion also received a warm round of applause.


Bremhill Parish Council


Isabel McCord, Chairman of Bremhill Parish Council, gave their update. Points included:


·       Road safety was a top priority especially given the amount of standing water on the roads. 

·       Two new Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) had been installed, one at Tytherton Lucas and the other at East Tytherton. The cameras were already providing useful data, with a car captured travelling at 58 miles per hour in the 30 mile per hour zone in East Tytherton.

·       The parish council were running training sessions showing how to operate their newly purchased defibrillators.

·       Thanks were given to Police Community Support Officer Mark Cook for agreeing to visit two locations in the parish on 10 December.

·       Wessex Water were due to carry out roadworks between Dumb Post and the M4 between 19 November and 21 March.

·       David Wood had led a project to bring to life the voices of Great War veterans that had connections with Bremhill. Recordings of their stories had been made available on an app, with many being voiced by relatives of the veterans themselves. The greeting message on the app had been recorded by Lady Lansdowne.

·       Mr Wood played a recording about Tom Ponting who had gone to school in Bremhill. Mr Ponting was conscripted into the Royal Field Artillery and had died in September 1918 when he was serving in Greece, aged 39.


Calne Without


John Barnes, Chairman of Calne Without Parish Council, provided an update, points included:


·       The speed limit reductions, to 40 miles per hour at Studley Crossroads and 50 miles per hour towards Norley Lane, were welcomed.

·       The path between Studley and Derry Hill was to be resurfaced to improve access to facilities for residents in Studley Gardens.

·       A large project was underway to install defibrillators in several locations in Calne Without, including in Lower Compton and Sandy Lane.

·       Discussions were underway about creating a play park in Derry Hill as, despite being a large village, no such facility existed. A proposal to install play equipment in open space in the village had received 76 percent backing in a survey and unanimous support at a recent council meeting.

·       Work was ongoing to implement the new community governance arrangements by the May 2025 elections.

·       Over £50,000 in Community Infrastructure Levy money would be transferred from Calne Without Parish Council to Calne Town Council and Bremhill Parish Council.

·       The Local Highway and Footway Improvement Group did not have funding available in the current financial year for two proposed bus shelters near Studley Gardens. Agreement to provide match funding equivalent to half of each bus shelter had been secured.


Hilmarton Parish Council


Shawn Warren-Wilcox explained that Hilmarton had held a very popular pumpkin event. They were also considering funding a link to allow the police to access the data from their SID.


Calne Town Council


Jon Fisher, Mayor of Clane, gave an update on behalf of the town council:


·       The town council had put in an application to the Wiltshire Towns Fund for money towards regenerating the town centre.

·       The mayor was due to hold a meeting with the Leader of Wiltshire Council, Cllr Richard Clewer, to discuss larger regeneration plans for the town.

·       There were plans to install a ninja park on the Recreation Ground.

·       The mayor had led a delegation to the town in Germany that Calne was twinned with, Eningen Unter Achalm. The visit had been valuable and had allowed them to share good practice in local government. They were also keen to open up the twinning arrangement to parishes.

·       A modernist picture of Calne’s first female mayor, Edith Spackman, who took up office in 1937, had been commissioned.

·       A picture of the late Cllr Tony Trotman would also be put up in the town hall.

·       Nominations were open for people to turn on the Christmas lights.   


The Chairman noted that Calne was now on the Explore Wiltshire App and encouraged people to sign up. 

Supporting documents: