To receive a verbal update on the progress of the Trowbridge Leisure Centre Development Project.
Councillor Ian Blair-Pilling, Cabinet Member for Public Health, Communities, Leisure, and Libraries, presented a verbal update on the progress of the Trowbridge Leisure Centre Development Project.
The 5 strategic aims were detailed, namely: financial sustainability, environmental sustainability, and contributions to public health, communities, and the local economy. It was noted that the project was very complex and that the Council wanted to produce a facility that was the best that could be delivered in line with the Sport England Strategic Planning Model. In terms of planning procedure, it was confirmed that the pre-application phase of the project was completed, with the full application being submitted on 6 September 2024, and the consultation ending on 11 October 2024. Subject to planning permission, officers were intending to begin construction in 2025.
A series of slides that displayed indicative images of the finished proposal were then shown, including layouts for both the ground and upper floors. It was explained that the location had been chosen as a result of many factors, such as accessibility for residents, and being existing Council owned land which helped to remove barriers and keep costs down.
As a result of multiple consultations, it was confirmed that there would be a number of facilities across both floors, including a swimming pool and training pool, provision for more senior residents, an adventure play area for children and young people, group spin areas, studio spaces, and over 100 fitness stations. It was further explained that the project’s Design Review Panel consisted of many experts within the field, such as ecologists and architects, and that the site developers were working closely with this Panel to ensure that the design was as best as it could be. Further to this, it was explained that officers had taken a fabric-first approach, meaning that the site and its construction would have protected green spaces, be efficient, all electric, and that the nearby river would be tidied and enhanced, with an aim of being one of the most carbon-efficient leisure centres in the country.
During the discussion, points included: