Agenda item

Youth updates

To receive an update on youth activities and the Local Youth Network, and to consider any applications for youth grants.


Remaining youth grant budget:


Young People



Remaining youth grant budget if all youth grants awarded in full:


Young People

£ 3,097.39


Young People Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


Buzz Action Foundation, towards The Elements Cafe



2nd Bulford St Leonards Scout Group, towards improvements to facilities at Bulford Scout hut to extend youth programme



Stand Against Racism and Inequality, towards anti-hate support for young people targeting Afghan entitled people



For more information on the grants, please see the grant report at item 12.


Cllr Mark Verbinnen, as lead Member for youth, gave an update. He thanked those who had mentioned the youth pop up events, which had been great successes in Durrington and Shrewton, with the Durrington events in particular being very well attended. The Area Board had been working in partnership with Wiltshire Youth For Christ (YFC) on the events. There had also been an additional successful youth fair held in Durrington to help with inclusion. The Local Youth Network (LYN) had met at the new cricket club in Shrewton which was a great new facility. The event was well attended, and youth issues were discussed. In addition, the group had reviewed the youth grant applications.


Youth Grants


Cllr Verbinnen then went on to introduce youth grants, it was noted that in the agenda the remaining Youth Budget was stated as £16,008.92.


However, due to the lack of available funds in the Community Area Grant budget, and the amount of Community Area Grant applications received, the grant from God Unlimited (GUL) Outdoor Therapy towards GUL riverside classroom installation  for £5,000, (ABG1889) which had been awarded at the previous meeting on 26 September 2024 from the Community Area Grant budget, would be moved so that it came from the Youth Budget, as it met the criteria for both types of grant. This left the amount of funds remaining in the youth budget as £11,008.92.


Furthermore, the grant application from Stand Against Racism and Inequality, towards anti-hate support for young people targeting Afghan entitled people (ABG2065) who had been requesting £4,910.81 had been withdrawn following agenda publication. Members stated that this had been about a particular project at Avon Valley Academy, which without predetermining the application, the Board were supportive of. As it transpired, the group had found the funding from elsewhere within Wiltshire Council. So, despite the application being withdrawn, the project would still happen.


In addition, the grant from the 1st Amesbury Scout Group, who were requesting £5,000 towards Scout Hut Kitchen Refurbishment (ABG2068) which was listed on the agenda as a Community Area Grant, would be taken as a Youth Grant due to the lack of funds remaining in the Community Area Grant budget, and it met the criteria for both types of grant. 


Due to the lack of funds remaining, the Area Board heard from all the youth grant applicants in attendance who gave a brief overview of and were questioned about their project, prior to making any decisions.


The Board then indicated if there were supportive of the grant, following which funding amounts were decided and voted upon. The Board were supportive of all the youth grants, so, as a solution, it was decided to take an equal percentage from the amount requested from each of them. 


·       Buzz Action Foundation, requested £3,000 towards The Elements Café.


Cllr Mark Verbinnen proposed to award £2,540 of the £3,000 requested which was seconded by Cllr Graham Wright.




Buzz Action Foundation was awarded £2,540 towards The Elements Café.


Reason – The application met the Youth Grants Criteria 2024/25, and there were not enough funds remaining to award in full.


·       2nd Bulford St Leonards Scout Group, requested £5,000 towards improvements to facilities at Bulford Scout hut to extend youth programme.


Cllr Mark Verbinnen proposed to award £4,220 of the £5,000 requested which was seconded by Cllr Graham Wright.




2nd Bulford St Leonards Scout Group, was awarded £4,220 towards improvements to facilities at Bulford Scout hut to extend youth programme


Reason – The application met the Youth Grants Criteria 2024/25, and there were not enough funds remaining to award in full.


·       1st Amesbury Scout Group, requested £5,000 towards Scout Hut Kitchen Refurbishment.


Cllr Mark Verbinnen proposed to award £4,220 of the £5,000 requested which was seconded by Cllr Graham Wright.




1st Amesbury Scout Group, were awarded £4,220 towards Scout Hut Kitchen Refurbishment.


Reason – The application met the Youth Grants Criteria 2024/25, and there were not enough funds remaining to award in full.


This left £28.92 in the youth budget.