To receive a report providing the Committee with an update on the Corporate Health and Safety Improvement programme, the progress made since the programme initiated and ongoing actions that the Health and Safety Service are intending on performing.
The Chairman noted that on page 158 of the agenda pack, was an update on the Corporate Health and Safety Improvement programme, the progress made since the programme initiated and ongoing actions that the Health and Safety Service are intending on performing.
James Barragh, Director of Assets introduced the report, which outlined a new improvement programme relating to corporate health and safety. It was stated that the existing service had been reviewed and that occupational health and health and safety had been divided and that the review had produced the programme. The programme included a range of aspects including data management, ICT, governance and comms. The purpose of the review was to build foundations for health and safety and then target high risk areas, for example construction and lone working with personal safety. The programme would then provide the organisation with a greater level of assurance and awareness.
Members of the Committee made the following comments with it suggested that within the report, though there had been mention of employees and contractors, there had not been reference of Elected Members, to which it was agreed that Members would be considered within the programme with an awareness of the safety of elected Members in the community. A further point was raised on this topic that a lot of Parish Councils and members of the public had taken up jobs and responsibilities previously undertaken by the Council and that there was a need for such individuals to be correctly insured. It was stated that the Council had been in conversation with Parish Councils regarding the vital roles of communities and that further reflection would take place as officers in order to further provide assurance for Members. The consideration of un-elected Committee Members, such as those sitting on the Children’s Select Committee was also raised.
Reference was made to planning that was taking place regarding the Member Induction Programme, set to take place following the local elections in 2025, to which it was suggested that it would be useful to include training regarding software requirements and cyber-attacks.
The tracking of the health and safety of third-party suppliers and contractors was discussed, with it noted that often during the procurement process discussions and engagement would take place with contractors in order to gain assurance. In construction there was also specific regulations relating to safety of delivery and that though there wasn’t a specific performance indicator, those involved were ultimately held accountable.
At the conclusion of discussion, it was,
The Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee agreed:
a) To note that a review of the Council’s Health and Safety function across the organisation has identified areas that require updating and priority areas have been established.
b) To note that a Health and Safety Phase 1 Action Plan has been created to monitor progress of the improvement programme.
c) To ask that the Health and Safety of elected and co-opted members is considered for inclusion within the action plan and within the training opportunities provided by the council, including within the post-election councillor induction programme.
Chairman called meeting to a break at 12.10pm and resumed the meeting at 12.15pm.
During the break, a conversation had taken place with a point raised that in regard to the Performance and Risk Report a lot of time was spent discussing performance, however the notion of risks hadn’t necessarily been introduced to the Committee, with the report having contained risks that were in excess of Council policy. The importance of discussing risk was stressed with it agreed by the Monitoring Officer and Director for Legal and Governance, that in the future the report would be split into two separate reports for Performance and Risk with the Committee to consider separate recommendations.
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