To receive a report detailing workforce analytics for the period up to and including September 2024.
Gregory Page, Senior Data Engineer, alongside Tamsin Kielb, Director of HR & OD, introduced the Biannual Workforce report and updated the Committee on the current workforce analytics position which detailed data up to and including September 2024.
As the new Oracle system had replaced SAP as the system to organise and collate workforce data across the Council since the start of April 2024, it was explained that new reporting methodologies across several typical Key Performance Indicator (KPI) measures had highlighted some differences when comparing data between the two systems. Thus, presenting challenges for officers in ensuring that the data was understood and reported accurately in a timely manner. Officers drew attention to one such challenge as detailed under the section of the report titled “Headcount” in which it was explained that an inconsistency in headcount reporting had been identified due to the previous headcount calculation being based on position count rather than a true headcount, as some staff held more than one position.
Sickness absence was then raised, and it was acknowledged that although sickness costs were typically higher than expected according to the forecasted trend line, officers believed that it was likely to be attributable to the change in process with the move from SAP to Oracle as knowledge and comfort with the use of the system were still being embedded. However, it was confirmed that further communications and training were planned to support managers in staff sickness and case management.
During the discussion, points included:
Following which, it was then:
The Committee noted the update.
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