Agenda item

Future Commissioning of Homecare

      To receive a report from the Chief Executive




That Cabinet notes:


1.    The opportunity to close or move homecare services from the current framework contracts in 2026, with contract extensions already agreed until 2026.


2.    That significant co-production activity has supported the development of the preferred option to commission a joint homecare framework for adults and children.


3.    A range of commissioning options have been considered, supported by national benchmarking. (Options detailed at 116. In this paper)


4.    Demand has been evidenced, and it is important to strengthen and develop the homecare market to enable the Council to deliver its legal requirement under the Care Act.


That Cabinet approves:


1.    The decision to commission a joint homecare framework for adults and Children’s.


2.    That officers continue to undertake to prepare the procurement programme of a new adults and children’s Framework contract for home care, for implementation from the 1st of April 2026.


3.     Due to the contract value, officers to bring back to cabinet a final paper requesting approval to proceed to tender in July 2025.



Reason for Decision:

The purpose of this paper is to provide the Cabinet with a review of current homecare arrangements, consider possible commissioning options and recommend the joint procurement process for adults and children’s home care.


The term Homecare is intended to cover the full range of care provided in a customer's home – domiciliary care, supported living, personal care and all service lines have been reviewed and aligned to Homecare as appropriate.


It is a legal requirement for the Council to meet the eligible needs of the residents of Wiltshire and as such providing care at home is an integral part of delivering on this legal requirement. Wiltshire has a stated vision to create stronger communities across the county enabling people to live healthy and enriched lives. One of the main themes of the Wiltshire Council business plan is prevention and early intervention which helps maximise the independence, choice and control for residents in Wiltshire by providing the right accommodation and support in the right place at the right time. This in turn links the business plan, the Independent Living Strategy and the Accommodation strategy and supports the implementation of Autism strategy, dementia strategy and promotes prevention.


We can evidence a growth in homecare demand, with an average 12% increase in demand for adults seen over the last two years. For Children’s homecare activity is significantly smaller than adults but activity by the end of 2024/25 is projected to have doubled from 2023/24. The flexible homecare framework has significantly increased adult capacity in the home care market to meet the increased demand and this has been supported by the national introduction of provider sponsorship licences which has expanded homecare workforce through international recruitment.


Currently homecare is commissioned from three frameworks. Commissioners have established with procurement, that all three frameworks could be closed or homecare services moved from the current arrangements in 2026, affording us the opportunity to consider and agree a strategic approach to the future commissioning of homecare.


In previous engagement activities e.g. accommodation strategy and in the recent engagement work on homecare we have heard the public tell us that remaining at home is their preference moving forward as it will enable them to stay active in and connected too their local communities.


The preferred option of a joint home care framework for adults and children’s is supported as a commissioning approach which will streamline internal council processes, respond to providers concerns of unwarranted variation and a lack of transparency between the current three frameworks, enable a longer-term approach to planning and most importantly ensure sufficient homecare of good quality is available for people living in Wiltshire.


Cabinet is asked to agree the decision to commission a joint homecare framework for adults and Children’s.


Cllr Jane Davies, Cabinet member for Adult Social Care, SEND and Inclusion presented a report which outlined the current commissioning arrangements for Homecare and plans to work towards the procurement and implementation of a Joint Homecare framework for adults and children.


Cllr Davies reported that transforming homecare is a long-term objective which required the Council to continue working with customers, carers and communities, engage with the market, and understand operational team pressures.


The report summarised the work completed in 2024/2025, used to consider the strategic commissioning options enabling Cabinet to agree the longer-term commissioning approach to the delivery of care in people’s homes.


Cabinet noted that currently Homecare is purchased by the Council under three flexible frameworks, adults under the Flexible Home care Framework, Children under the Children’s Home Care Framework and for adults of working age who may present with mental health needs, learning disability (with or without dementia) and autistic spectrum condition under the Good Lives Alliance (GLA) Framework. Each framework with a different contract length, and an opportunity in 2026 to close or move homecare services from the three current arrangements and take a new joint approach, with recommission work to commence in April 2025.




That Cabinet notes:


1.    The opportunity to close or move homecare services from the current framework contracts in 2026, with contract extensions already agreed until 2026.


2.    That significant co-production activity has supported the development of the preferred option to commission a joint homecare framework for adults and children.


3.    A range of commissioning options have been considered, supported by national benchmarking. (Options detailed at 116. In this paper)


4.    Demand has been evidenced, and it is important to strengthen and develop the homecare market to enable the Council to deliver its legal requirement under the Care Act.


That Cabinet approves:


1.    The decision to commission a joint homecare framework for adults and Children’s.


2.    That officers continue to undertake to prepare the procurement programme of a new adults and children’s Framework contract for home care, for implementation from the 1st of April 2026.


3.     Due to the contract value, officers to bring back to cabinet a final paper requesting approval to proceed to tender in July 2025.



Reason for Decision:

The purpose of this paper is to provide the Cabinet with a review of current homecare arrangements, consider possible commissioning options and recommend the joint procurement process for adults and children’s home care.


The term Homecare is intended to cover the full range of care provided in a customer's home – domiciliary care, supported living, personal care and all service lines have been reviewed and aligned to Homecare as appropriate.


It is a legal requirement for the Council to meet the eligible needs of the residents of Wiltshire and as such providing care at home is an integral part of delivering on this legal requirement. Wiltshire has a stated vision to create stronger communities across the county enabling people to live healthy and enriched lives. One of the main themes of the Wiltshire Council business plan is prevention and early intervention which helps maximise the independence, choice and control for residents in Wiltshire by providing the right accommodation and support in the right place at the right time. This in turn links the business plan, the Independent Living Strategy and the Accommodation strategy and supports the implementation of Autism strategy, dementia strategy and promotes prevention.


We can evidence a growth in homecare demand, with an average 12% increase in demand for adults seen over the last two years. For Children’s homecare activity is significantly smaller than adults but activity by the end of 2024/25 is projected to have doubled from 2023/24. The flexible homecare framework has significantly increased adult capacity in the home care market to meet the increased demand and this has been supported by the national introduction of provider sponsorship licences which has expanded homecare workforce through international recruitment.


Currently homecare is commissioned from three frameworks. Commissioners have established with procurement, that all three frameworks could be closed or homecare services moved from the current arrangements in 2026, affording us the opportunity to consider and agree a strategic approach to the future commissioning of homecare.


In previous engagement activities e.g. accommodation strategy and in the recent engagement work on homecare we have heard the public tell us that remaining at home is their preference moving forward as it will enable them to stay active in and connected too their local communities.


The preferred option of a joint home care framework for adults and children’s is supported as a commissioning approach which will streamline internal council processes, respond to providers concerns of unwarranted variation and a lack of transparency between the current three frameworks, enable a longer-term approach to planning and most importantly ensure sufficient homecare of good quality is available for people living in Wiltshire.


Cabinet is asked to agree the decision to commission a joint homecare framework for adults and Children’s.

Supporting documents: