Agenda item

Health and Safety Policy

To receive an update on the review of the Corporate Health and Safety Policy and to consult with the Committee on the proposed revised policy.


Craig Parker, Head of Health and Safety, alongside Amanda George, Head of Strategic HR, introduced the report and updated the Committee on the review of the Corporate Health and Safety Policy.


During the discussion, points included:


  • Officers explained that the policy had been reviewed to illustrate a more robust, rigorous, and up to date process and was in direct alignment with Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidance.
  • Members raised Appendix 4, the Corporate Governance and Accountability Structure, and sought clarity on the differences between the current and proposed structure. It was explained that although Health and Safety was now under a different directorate, Assets, the proposed structure was not dissimilar from the current, and instead had been updated to provide a more detailed and accurate representation of current legislation. Members suggested that an amendment be made to list the specific Committees sitting within the structure for clarity.
  • It was then explained that Appendix 2, the Statement of Intent, mirrored the Statement of Intent as detailed within the current policy, but instead would be signed by the Chief Executive and Leader of the Council to demonstrate the Council’s commitment in protecting the safety, health and wellbeing of its employees and other stakeholders who may visit or use the facilities it manages and controls.
  • It was highlighted that Appendix 3, Proposed Roles and Responsibilities, provided further details to make clear all duties and obligations within the Health and Safety Management System which would then be developed into a handbook for individual managers’ reference.
  • It was further explained that the individual arrangements for each facet of the system would be held internally for all employees to access online, however Members felt it would be useful to have a list of each of these arrangements within the policy for ease of understanding.
  • Officers reassured Members that there would be robust inductions for any new employees or Councillors on the revised policy and that there would be opportunities for refresher training, with officers prioritising these ahead of the local elections in May 2025.
  • Members raised Paragraph 36 of the report and suggested that further detail be included to reflect the Council’s position.
  • It was noted that officers were looking to review the process for health and safety checks for contractors, including those for highway maintenance activities, and that officers were intending on implementing annual audits and then random spot checks on any works undertaken by contractors.
  • In response to a query regarding the inclusion of school children within Appendix 2, the Statement of Intent, officers confirmed that they would draft a written response to be sent to Members outside of the meeting on the interrelationship between the Council and schools and how each of the policies and systems interlinked to ensure the protection of children, young people, and school staff within any Council owned or managed facilities. 


At the conclusion of the discussion, it was then:




The Committee:


a)    Supported the updated Health and Safety Policy.


b)    Delegated to officers, in consultation with the Chairman for approval, any necessary policy amendments arising from the discussion with Members; amendments would also be circulated to Members for comment prior to approval.


Supporting documents: