Agenda item

Local Transport Plan (LTP4)

      To receive a report from the Corporate Director, Place




1.    To approve the proposed amendments to the document, endorse the Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) (2025 – 2038) and recommend it for adoption by full Council.


2.    To delegate authority to the Director of Highways and Transport, in consultation with Director for Legal and Governance and the Cabinet Member for Transport and Assets, to make any necessary minor changes to the document before it is published.


3.    To note the feedback and comments received from the formal consultation.


Reason for Decision:

To ensure the Council continues to make progress in updating LTP4, aligned to Business Plan priorities and the Local Plan Review.


Cllr Tamara Reay, Cabinet member for Transport and Assets presented a report seeking approval for amendments to the Local Transport Plan 4 following public consultation, endorsement of the Plan 4 (2025-2038) and recommend it for adoption by Full Council.


Cllr Reay explained that the LTP4 is a statutory document covering the period from 2025 to 2038 setting out the Council’s strategic objectives and policies. The implementation and delivery of policies in the document will contribute to maximising opportunities and tackling the challenges currently facing Wiltshire. She highlighted the fact that Wiltshire is a rural county where many residents are reliant on their car for a range of essential journeys. As such, the transport network needed to be resilient, especially on key routes such as the A303, A36 and A350. The strategic routes providing vital links between towns and villages and improving them will provide benefits for all while boosting the economic prospects of the county.


Cabinet noted that in light of the national requirements and updated guidance on urgently reducing the impact and mitigating the effects of climate change, LTP4 shows a commitment from the Council to take action to deliver wide-ranging improvements for cleaner, healthier and safer transport across the county, a particular challenge in a rural county where many residents are reliant on the private car.


LTP4 has been developed to meet the needs of residents, businesses and visitors, seeking to balance a range of competing and sometimes conflicting objectives, whilst at the same time remaining ambitious about the contribution transport in Wiltshire can make to national and regional objectives.


A public question was received for the meeting and this was included in the published agenda supplement together with written responses prior to this meeting.


Colin Gale commented further on accessibility at rail stations and on buses, and he was concerned about the Plan not being updated to scope this issue and identify corrective accessibility measures. He felt that the Plan could easily be updated scoping the access issues at each rail station, especially as the Plan already identified increased access provision for buses. Cllr Reay explained that the Council continued to engage with partner organisations and the Council would continue to consider the concerns raised with more detail be provided in the individual model Plans.


Cllr Graham Wright, Chairman of the Climate Emergency Task Group, reported that he was disappointed that the Task Group had not been invited to comment on the draft LTP4 prior to considering it on 14 November 2024.


Cllr Martin Smith commented on the Plan and was concerned about the lack of detail. Cllr Reay explained that the LTP4 encompassed the Core LTP4 Strategy which provided the strategic context, purpose, and direction of the Plan, three place-based sub-strategies; and four county-wide sub-strategies.

Cllr Jerry Kunkler, Chairman of the Environment Select Committee reported that the Select Committee and the Climate Emergency Task group received a briefing on the consultation responses on 20 February 2025. The Select Committee and Task Group members asked if there had been any unforeseen responses to the consultation and how the plans linked into other council policies. They particularly welcomed the new Executive Summary which made the plan more accessible. They had concerns about the lack of oversight of this plan, particularly of the delivery plan, which they did not see at all. They noted that the Plan is important, not least to the county’s economy and carbon targets, and the Select Committee had requested annual updates on progress in the coming years. Cllr Kunkler thanked Colin Gale for his commitment to working with the rail users and thanked the Director of Highways and Transport for undertaking her role with highways maintenance. Cllr Reay thanked Cllr Kunkler for his observations. She explained that the Delivery Plan was in a draft form at this stage and still subject to formal consultation and she welcomed further engagement with the Select Committee as the Plans were developed.




1.    To approve the proposed amendments to the document, endorse the Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) (2025 – 2038) and recommend it for adoption by full Council.


2.    To delegate authority to the Director of Highways and Transport, in consultation with Director for Legal and Governance and the Cabinet Member for Transport and Assets, to make any necessary minor changes to the document before it is published.


3.    To note the feedback and comments received from the formal consultation.


Reason for Decision:

To ensure the Council continues to make progress in updating LTP4, aligned to Business Plan priorities and the Local Plan Review.

Supporting documents: