Agenda item

The Former MSA Site, Drummond Park - Ludgershall

To receive information on the proposed development to the former MSA site, Drummond Park – Ludgershall.


Simon Toplis - HTA Architect

also in attendence will be Richard Fitter from Entran




Simon Toplis (HTA Architect) and Richard Fitter (Entran) gave a presentation on the proposed development to the former MSA site, Drummond Park – Ludgershall, some of the points covered were:

·       An outline application was submitted in December 2010, the decision for this was anticipated for June 2011, which would be subject to further detailed applications.

·       A further consultation would then take place.

·       The site is divided broadly in two by a central road running from the south-west to the north-east

  • The site features 12 existing buildings totalling 26,000 sqm which included two large warehouses (which are in a poor condition), to the south of the existing road central road.
  • The central road must be retained for MOD use and an area must be kept clear of development to allow visibility for MOD traffic.
  • Green gateways are formed at the two entrances to the site from the east and west. These are combined with protection of views from all around the site through banks of retained trees which enhanced by new planting in a continuous protective band to the west, north and east.
  • Three distinct character areas have been identified, it is proposed that these areas are designed and named to reflect the character of Ludgershall and the surrounding rural areas. The names would be the Main Street, the Lanes and the Farmsteads.
  • Within the development, smaller play sites for residents were planned.
  • Subject to the detailed application(s), 500 to 550 new homes were proposed for the site.
  • There would be a mix of buildings which would range from 2 bedroom flats to 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroom houses. They would be between two and two and a half storeys in height.

Questions and comments were then taken from the floor, these included:


·       With an increase of 500 houses to the area, this would put added pressure on leisure facilities currently in place for young people. Could thought be given to the social needs as well as the educational needs that young people have, as part of the development? Answer: There had been a request for education, but not for youth provision. Simon agreed to find out the answer to the question and forward it to the person in due course.

  • The Chairman of Ludgershall Town Council stated that the Town Council were against the transport plan, but not the overall development. They felt that the plan to implement a mini roundabout to control the traffic flow would not solve the problem, and asked if the plan could be changes to include a better solution to the traffic problem that an additional 500 houses would bring. The main aim would be to alleviate traffic from Butt Street.  Answer: The presentation did not include a slide detailing the transport improvements planned for the site. Wiltshire Council had ring fenced funds towards transport improvements which could only be spent on strategic transport improvements and funds had already been allocated from the Castle Down Business Park development.
  • Does the plan of building 500 to 550 new homes encompass all of the land currently owned for development? Answer: Yes, all but the open space quoted for on the site.
  • There is a need for light industrial business on the site, why has this not been included in the plans? Answer: One of the principle issues on the site was access, so having light industrial mixed with housing on a single access point was considered but this raised a number of problems. Further to this including such a mix of uses would negatively impact on the quality and value of residential units immediately adjacent to the site while competing with existing commercial space in Ludgershall.
  • The Chamber of Commerce noted that they would go back to the planners to insist that there was a need for light industrial businesses to be included within the development.
  • There was some concern that the social housing may be grouped together in one area. Answer: The distribution of the social housing across the site had not yet been decided, but it was likely that the affordable housing would be mixed across the site.


The Chairman invited ZOG (Entran & HTA) to come back to a future Area Board to give an update or to deliver any further information.