Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive verbal updates from partners present and to note the attached paper updates.


·       Police - attached

·       Wiltshire Fire & Rescue - attached


Verbal updates to include:


·       Community Plan

·       Wiltshire Fire Authority – Cllr Chris Devine

·       Downton Parish Council – Downton Library




Inspector David McMullin had provided the Crime statistics for inclusion with the agenda. A query regarding these statistics was raised Chris Hall of Downton Parish Council. He noted that the statistics did not seem to add up, and that some figures seemed to be missing from the overall total and percentages of crimes which had been reported.


Inspector McMullin explained that the actual figures produced for the Area Boards were done in the same way for all of the Boards across the county. They contained statistics for a set list of certain types of crimes as agreed by Wiltshire Council and the Police. The crime statistic reports only contained the figures which the police had been requested to report on.


The Chairman asked if future reports could include all of the statistics available, so that a fuller picture could be ascertained and to prevent the feeling that the bad news was being hidden.


Downton Parish Council

Parish Councillor Chris Hall gave an update on the current situation of Downton Library. The Head of the Library Service, Joan Davis had attended the last Downton Parish council meeting, and had provided information and for the meeting. However some further information had been requested by the parish council, they were yet to receive it.


The library was currently open 28 hours a week, in the new proposals; this would be reduced to 14 hours a week.


Councillor Grundy informed the Board that the council was currently seeking volunteers to assist in keeping libraries open. He agreed to contact the relevant officer to ask them to provide the required information to the parish council.


Action: Councillor Grundy


Cycle Route between Salisbury and Amesbury

Laverstock and Ford (L & F) Parish Councillor, Ron Champion provided information to the Board regarding the proposed implementation of a new cycle path from Amesbury to Salisbury. The Amesbury Area Board were involved in a project to create a cycle path which would pass through Ford, which fell inside the Southern Wiltshire Community Area and specifically in the Parish of L & F. Amesbury Area Board had contacted the parish to put forward their proposals for the route. The parish had studied the proposals and found that the suggested route would not be the safest option, so they had suggested an alternative route which would involve making use of the bridal path which was already in place. A problem with using the bridal path would be that other users such as dog walkers and pedestrians would need to stand aside to allow the cyclist to pass.


Ron Champion asked the Board if they would liaise with the Amesbury Area Board to schedule a meeting for all involved to discuss the matter further, and come to a joint agreement regarding the route. L & F Parish Council had concerns that it was likely the Amesbury Area Board may go ahead with their original proposal, and disregard the objection by the L & F parish Council, despite the land involved not being part of their Community Area.


Councillor Britton informed the Board that he had already spoken to the Chairman of the Amesbury Area Board, Councillor John Smale about this matter. He agreed to facilitate a meeting between the two Area Boards and the Parish Council to discuss the matter further.


Action: Councillor Richard Britton


Councillor Ian McLennan, noted that although the Amesbury Area Board would be funding the cycle path, a section of it was not in their area, he felt that they did not have the right to decide where the route should be if not in their patch.


CAYPIG – Community Area Young People’s Issue Groups


Tony Nye, Youth Services Coordinator gave an update on the young people’s activities and plans, these included:


  • Further work sessions were planned over the Easter holidays.
  • A work programme for the summer holidays was underway.
  • Further work for the Leisure Credit Scheme from parishes would be welcomed. Parishes interested should contact Tony for more information on the scheme.


Wiltshire Fire Authority


Councillor Chris Devine gave an update on behalf of the Wiltshire Fire Authority, as he was the Boards representative. This included:


·       The WFRS Revenue budget 2011/12 had recently been passed which was £24.9m.

·       All equipment and fire stations would remain in situe.

·       There would be no loss of either full time or retained fire fighters.

·       Following the retirement of the current Chief Fire Officer, the Fire Authority would recruit a replacement at a sensible salary.


The fire service had performed well the previous week at the incident in the market square in Salisbury.

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