Agenda item

Proposed Changes to Public Transport

To receive a presentation and question and answer session from Ian White Passenger Transport Communication Manager on the proposed changes to public transport and how they will impact on Westbury and surrounding villages.


Ian White, Head of Service - Passenger Transport updated the Board on the proposed changes to public transport.


The national picture;

·         Overall reduction in net formula grant of 12% in 2011/12 (front loaded)

·         Rural Bus Grant and Concessionary Fares Special Grants absorbed into formula grant

·         Bus Service Operators Grant cut by 20% from April 2012


The Wiltshire Budget 2011/12 requires that;

·         All services asked to identify 12% reduction as a starting point

·         12% of passenger transport budget would be £2.5m

·         But over 50% of transport is statutory


Reductions have been identified by looking at the Public Transport Strategy priorities which are;

·         High – maintaining minimum levels of access

·         Medium – providing more choice of travel time and destination

·         Low – Sundays, evenings, more than hourly services


Looking at Value for money criteria e.g. (subsidy per passenger trip) and savings (£600k) achievable within financial year.


Several points were raised, including the use of rail and its place in the transport network.  Ian White pointed out that rail services were funded through franchising from Government, the Council had not funding for rail services, however they were working with the Trans/Wilts proposal, the Council is trying to facilitate access across the county.


Cllr Hawker commented that many of the local people had informed him that the bus services had greatly improved.


Cllr Cuthbert Murray expressed concern over the Westbury/Devizes route.  He was assured that there were no proposals to change the service.

Supporting documents: