Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive an update from the partners listed below:


a.     Wiltshire Police (attached)


b.     Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (attached)


c.     NHS Wiltshire (attached)


d.     Calne Community Area Partnership – to include a report about the future of the community hub (included in the electronic version of the agenda pack), a report on the release of the second tranche of Area Board funding (in line with the Community Area Partnership Agreement  - 19 April 2011) and an update from the Friends of Abberd Brook (attached)


e.     Calne CAYPIG (Community Area Young People’s Issues Group)


f.      Town and Parish Councils.


a.     The written update from Wiltshire Police was noted. The Chairman welcomed the new Inspector Schorah to the community area. Inspector Schorah explained that most people were now using the 101 number for non-emergency calls to the police. However there were minority groups of people who still were not familiar with the new number. A suggestion was made from the floor that a message was left on the old 0845 number, redirecting callers to 101 once the old number ceased.


Councillor Trotman asked Inspector Schorah a question about fireworks and the law after he was disturbed by a group of young people setting off fireworks late at night. Common firework offences include throwing a firework in a public place, possession of an ‘adult’ firework in a public place by an under-18, unauthorised possession of a ‘display only’ firework and setting off fireworks between 11 pm and 7 am (with exception of Guy Fawkes Night, New Year’s Eve, Chinese New Year and Diwali).


b.     The written update from Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service was noted. Mike Franklin explained that since the agenda was published, there was a more recent update from the service. This is included in the minutes pack. Mike noted there were low levels of fire in the community area, with three in the month of the most recent update. Strong partnership working was taking place between Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service and Wiltshire Council with visiting vulnerable people for home safety and education purposes. Mike thanked Barbara Gray and her colleagues for organising the use of four vans.


c.     The written update from NHS Wiltshire was noted. In February there would be a special meeting looking at priorities in the community area and the area board hoped that Maggie Rae, Director of Public Health and Public Protection, NHS Wiltshire and Wiltshire Council, would be able to attend. Councillor Hill drew attention to concerns in two areas in the community area about air quality.



Maggie Rae would be invited to the next Calne Area Board meeting and asked to come prepared to answer questions about local air quality.


d.     David Evans provided an update about the Community Area Partnership. The community hub was holding an open day between 10 am and 4 pm on Friday 9 December. Those involved were also working with Wiltshire Council to organise the next stage of the lease of the hub. The release of the second tranche of funding to the Partnership was reported, in accordance with the decision made at the Calne Area Board meeting on 19 April 2011. The written update from the Friends of Abberd Brook was noted. Stepping stones and the mosaics were now in place and no vandalism had taken place in the area. Wiltshire Police were thanked for their involvement with this.    


e.     Ed Jones from Calne Without Parish Council reported that the community group working towards getting white gates installed had been successful in drawing down funding from several sources and was likely to come to the area board for support in the new year. Geoff Procter from Hilmarton Parish Council welcomed everyone to the Community Centre. The Hilmarton And Goatacre Group Improving Safety (HAGGIS) was doing well and please get in touch if you would like a copy of their road safety DVD. A copy of the DVD would also be made available at the community hub. The speed watch scheme in Hilmarton was in operation. The Chairman thanked HAGGIS for their work conducting pedestrian counts for the highways working group. The parish had also held a successful self funded street party in September. David Evans then reported that renewable energy panels were up and running on the village hall in Cherhill.  

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