Agenda item

The Wiltshire Council Sheet ST95SE Parish of Cheverell Magna Rights of Way Modification Order No. 16 2011

Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 - The Definitive Map and Statement for the Devizes Rural District Council Area Dated 1952 As Modified Under the Provisions of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981


The Wiltshire Council Sheet ST95SE Parish of Cheverill Magna

Rights of Way Modification Order No. 16 2011



Public Participation:


Brigadier Rawlins spoke in objection to the Order.


Mr Michael Brain spoke in objection to the Order.


Mr Michael Kavanagh spoke in objection to the Order.


Ms Ann Venus spoke in support of the Order.


Brigadier Ian Christie spoke in support of the Order.


Ms Molly Hopkins spoke in support of the Order. 


Mr Paul Stevens, speaking on behalf of Cheverell Magna Parish Council, spoke in support of the Order.



The Rights of Way Officer introduced the report, set out the main issues in respect of the Order and explained the decision options available to the Committee.


Members of the Committee then had the opportunity to ask technical questions, after which the Committee received statements from members of the public as detailed above, expressing their views regarding the application and order to amend the Definitive Map and Statement.


After a discussion during which the issue of the differing footpath widths and the true line of the path was discussed it was




That the Wiltshire Council (Sheet ST 95SE) (Parish of Cheverell Magna) Rights of Way Modification Order No 16 2011 be forwarded to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for determination, and the Wiltshire Council supports the Order with a modification at Public Inquiry that the centre-line of the footpath is 2.5 metres out from the hedge in Mr Alexander’s field, and 2.5 meters out from the hedge in Mr Kavanagh’s field.

Supporting documents: