Agenda item

Special School Banding Moderation outcome

To receive an update on the outcome of the banding moderation process and the implications for 2012/13 budget.


The Manager for Inclusion, DCE presented the results of the banding moderation and planned places exercise for Special Schools, Enhanced Learning Provision (ELP) and Resource Bases. Revised formulae for Resource Bases for Hearing Impaired and Physically Impaired pupils were also tabled.


It was explained that after a number of years work, officers had developed a single clear and consistent system for various types of specialist educational provision.


Key figures for Enhanced Learning Provision were as follows:


·                       The total number of ELP 1 for 2012/13 is 253 (down from 2011/12 by 13 places)

·                       The total number of ELP 2 for 2012/13 is 88 (increase of 1 place from 2011/12)


Regarding planned places it was recommended for the overall number of planned places in all of Wiltshire special schools is increased by 1 place as below:

Springfields – increase by 1 place - from 69 to 70 places

Downland – no change – 69 places including 22 residential

Rowdeford – no change – 130 places including 23 residential 

Larkrise – no change – 85 places

Exeter House – no change – 99 places

St Nicholas – no change -72 places

These developments gave rise to the following financial implications for both planned places and banding moderation:


1.    Special schools place funding will increase by £0.100m in 2012/13

2.    Residential funding will decrease by £0.018m.

3.    Downlands transitional protection will reduce by £0.097m.

4.    The overall special schools quantum for 2012/13 will therefore reduce by £0.015m compared to 2011/12.


2011/12 will be the first year that the full year effect of the formula changes for complex needs, ASD and S&L Resource Bases will apply. Formula changes for Hearing Impairment and Physical impairment Resource Bases have now been developed in line with the other resource bases would be applied from September 2012.

For Resource Bases – Complex Needs the banding moderation took place on 4 November 2011.  Please note, the original protection of funding for each resource base according to their capacity numbers is due to end and from September 2012 numbers of places need to be agreed via the planned places process. At the time of the moderation 51% of all places were taken up.


Planned places - It is recommended that the overall number of planned places is reduced by 19. As a result of this reduction the overall occupancy level has increased to 79%.

It was reported that at the moderation and banding meetings some schools raised concerns about the level of funding generated through the current formula. The Local Authority and schools representatives agreed to re-consider the current formula. The outcomes of this work will be reported back to Schools Forum in the Autumn 2012.


Additionally it was explained that in view of significant capacity issues the Local Authority will investigate options for a change of the type of special educational needs for some of the resource bases.


Questions from members of the Forum focused on the longer-term viability and occupancy levels of the resource bases, and officers replied that work had reduced costs of the remaining resource bases to a minimum - the cost of a teacher plus fixed costs. Some were down to 4/5 places, which in the long term may not prove viable.


The meeting was reminded also that every single moderation exercise had an appeal mechanism in place for individual children. There was support for the process as fair overall from those in the room.


It was recognised by officers and members of the Forum that if the assumed Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG) of -1.5% did not materialise, then the Schools Forum would have to revisit the transitional arrangement for Rowdeford school.


Thereafter members discussed the need for a further review of the number of resource bases and planned places, in light of the SEN Review in 2010 and the Cabinet decision which followed it.


In response to a question from a member of the forum, it was confirmed that increasing the number of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) places remained an aim, but that there was a lack of room to expand in the existing centres and some difficult geographical issues to address before progress could be made. However the aim remained to more closely integrate Speech & Language provision and ASD provision.


The need to build a review of the change to the resource base formulas into any task group on the 2012-13 DSG was made clear by the Chair.




  1. To approve the financial implications of the planned places and banding moderation process for specialist provision in 2012/13.  The overall financial impact of £24,405 will be built in to the budget assumptions for 2012/13 in line with previous Schools Forum decisions relating to treatment of cost pressures arising from banding moderation.


  1. To approve the formula change for ASD Centres to increase the number of TA cover built in to the formula.


  1. To approve the revised formulae for Resource Bases for Hearing Impairment and Physical Impairment to bring the funding for these types of provision in line with other Resource Bases.  The revised formulae will be implemented from September 2012.


  1. That from autumn 2012 the moderation process for all Communication and Interaction Resource Bases (ASD and S&L) be brought together in to a single process.


  1. A review process is to be set up to be invited to review the revised formula for resources bases, their operation and the number of places therein. This is to be included in the DSG funding task group (see minute no.188)


  1. The Task group on DfE funding changes should include a Special School representative.

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