Agenda item

Reports from Working Groups

To receive minutes, reports and/or verbal updates from the following working groups:


·         School Funding Working Group

·         Early Years Reference Group

·         Schools Services Working Group (verbal update)


a)    School Funding Working Group


Officers provided an update on the issues debated by the group and their recommendations. It was explained that with effect from April 2011 the DfE removed the requirement for Local Authorities to have a Controls on Surplus Balances Scheme in place. However, Regulations allow Local Authorities to have a ‘Controls on Surplus Balances Scheme’ if they wish.


In response to a question it was confirmed that for maintained Schools, contingency funds were within the scope of the clawback as they were considered as part of the balance as a whole. For Academy schools different thresholds and rules applied. It was also confirmed that where funds were devolved to schools then clawback was not an issue, however delegated funds can form part of a clawback where schools exceed the permitted threshold.




That Schools Forum:


a.    note the recommendation made by the Schools Funding Working Group to continue with a Controls on Surplus Balances Scheme in 2012/13.

b.    Agree to the clawback of excess revenue balances from the two schools who failed to submit an appeal.


b)    Early Years Reference Group


The Head of Business and Commercial Services, DCE reported that central Government was developing a new national code of practise for Early Years settings and was currently in a consultation phase.


A key point was the significant expansion of funding for placements for 2 year-olds with the expectation that the number of funded places will increase during 2012/13 until it becomes statutory provision in September 2013. Nationally the target is 40% of all children who meet free school meal eligibility criteria.


The Reference group and officers recognised that existing training and professional development schemes would need to be developed in anticipation of the free entitlement for (two) and three year olds, being implemented.




To note the update from the Early Years Reference Group


c)    Schools Services Working Group


The Schools Forum received a verbal update on the topics considered by the Schools Services Working group which had met ahead of the meeting.


Regarding the supply pool insurance scheme, to be considered later in the agenda, the group considered the options and had put forward a recommendation to refund 100%.


It was explained that the group discussed proposals to review the “Right Choice for your School” document. The aim of the changes is to provide a single brochure to send to all Wiltshire Schools which will set out all the services available to various schools, which fall into the following three categories:

§  Chargeable to maintained schools

§  Chargeable to Academies

§  Free to all schools (Centrally Funded)


It will also be advantageous to extend the flexibility that currently exists in contracts for academies (the ability to change / begin / terminate at any point in the year) to maintained schools.


Members of the forum queried at what level the demand for services would be below such a point that the ‘critical mass’ necessary for the local authority to provide services was not present. It was explained that this point would vary depending upon which service was being considered. Custom packages would be made available to Schools once the capacity to deliver these had been developed.


It was noted by the Chairman that the principles behind changes to schools services were flexibility and offering a menu of choices.




To note the verbal update provided

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