Agenda item

Community Area Grants

The Board members will consider 8 applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme:


Project and Applicant

Amount Requested

Sound system for Village Hall.

Applicant: Broad Chalke Village Hall Management Committee.


Village marquee.

Applicant: Tollard Royal Village Committee.


Exhibiting facilities for village shows.

Applicant: Chilmark Horticultural Society.


Re-decoration of Village Hall.

Applicant: Sedgehill Village Hall


Archery event for users of the Stroke Club

Applicant: Forum Stroke Club


Village Hall refurbishment

Applicant: Teffont Village Hall


Refurbishment of kitchen ceiling

Applicant: Semley Village Hall


Improvements to kitchen and servery

Applicant: East Knoyle Village Hall




The Board considered eight applications detailed in the report, for funding from the Community Area Grant Scheme. The Chairman invited applicants present to speak in support of their application and to answer any questions from the room. After discussion the Board members voted on each application in turn.



Broad Chalke Village Hall Management Committee was awarded £1,663 towards their project to purchase a sound system.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2011/12 and demonstrates a link to the Wiltshire Community Plan 2011 – 2026 as detailed in the Officer’s Report.


Notes: The amount awarded was £550 less than the £2,213 applied for as no one was available to provide justification as to why a three year warranty was required.



Tollard Royal Village Committee was awarded £1,000 to purchase a Village Marquee.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2011/12 and Area Board recognises the need to support and enhance local facilities for all the community.

Notes: The Chairman advised the applicant that as the marquee would be used during the Jubilee celebrations in the parish, this would be taken into consideration when considering any forthcoming application for funding from the Jubilee fund.



Chilmark Horticultural Society was awarded £959 towards purchasing exhibiting facilities for village shows.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2011/12 and demonstrates a link to the Wiltshire Community Plan 2011 – 2026 as detailed in the Officer’s Report.



Sedgehill Village Hall Committee was awarded £989.21 towards the re-decoration project of the Village Hall.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2011/12 and demonstrates a link to the Wiltshire Community Plan 2011 – 2026 as detailed in the Officer’s Report.



The Forum Stroke Club was awarded £501.90 towards their Archery project.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2011/12 and demonstrates a link to the Wiltshire Community Plan 2011 – 2026 as detailed in the Officer’s Report.



Teffont Village Hall Committee was awarded £7,508.46 towards their project to refurbish the village hall.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2011/12 and demonstrates a link to the Wiltshire Community Plan 2011 – 2026 as detailed in the Officer’s Report.



Semley Village Hall Committee was awarded £968 towards their project to refurbish the kitchen ceiling at the village hall.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2011/12 and demonstrates a link to the Wiltshire Community Plan 2011 – 2026 as detailed in the Officer’s Report.



East Knoyle Village Hall Committee was awarded £5,000 towards the planned improvement project for the hall kitchen. This amount would be as a £4,000 grant and a £1,000 loan which the applicant must agree to repay within 24 months


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2011/12 and demonstrates a link to the Wiltshire Community Plan 2011 – 2026 as detailed in the Officer’s Report.


The Area Board advised that applicants should always approach the Parish Council for a financial contribution towards projects which have a wider community benefit.

Supporting documents: