Agenda item

Partner Updates

The following partners will be invited to give updates:


a)                 Wiltshire Police;

b)                 Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service;

c)                  NHS Wiltshire – to include feedback from the recent Health Fair;

d)                 Pewsey Community Area Partnership; and

e)                 Parish Councils.


(a)       Wiltshire Police


Inspector Andy Noble referred the meeting to the written update in the agenda, noting the recent spike of farm thefts.  The Neighbourhood Policing Team had taken the proactive step of increasing night time patrols in the area, which had seen the number of night time crimes reduce to a more usual level.


(b)       Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


            Mike Franklin, of Wiltshire Fire and Rescue, referred the meeting to the written update, and commented on the proactive steps taken by the Fire and Rescue Service in relation to an increase in fires on canal boats.  It was also noted that 30% of call outs were co-responding for the ambulance service.


Responding to a question regarding the remaining cover for fire response when crews were co-responding, Mike commented that nearby crews would automatically be deployed if necessary.   Councillor Brigadier Robert Hall, having declared a personal interest in the item as the Chairman of the Fire Authority, added that the co?responding consisted of a small vehicle, provided by the ambulance service, which would be crewed by one or two retained fire?fighters, leaving several others to respond to call outs if required  Inspector Andy Noble, commented that the police were the third option in co?responding to medical emergencies.


In relation to canal boats, Caroline Brailey, Pewsey Community Area Manager, commented that she was arranging a meeting on behalf of Pewsey Community Area Partnership and Pewsey Area Board to discuss British Waterways’ review of their Mooring Policy.  This would be on 22 April at 6.30pm in the Bouverie Hall; invitations would be sent to Parish Councils.


(c)        NHS Wiltshire


Jo Howes, Community Engagement Manager for NHS Wiltshire, referred to the recent Health Fair, a full report on which would be submitted to the next meeting on 10 May 2010.  The main issues identified had been as follows:


·         Childhood obesity – figures on this were comparatively low, but it was an easy issue to address;

·         Life expectancy – there had been queries over how this was calculated, and concern over the continued discrepancy between men and women; and

·         How to accommodate people who wished to die at home.


Jo also referred to changes to the provision of Out-of-Hours GP services.  A single contract had been negotiated for the whole county, although this would not impact significantly on Pewsey as the contract had been awarded to Wiltshire Medical Services, who currently provided the service in this area.  The only impact would be that patients now had the option of accessing the out-of-hours services at Amesbury as well as Savernake.


Responding to a question regarding ambulance response times, Jo noted that this was a concern in many rural communities within Wiltshire, and undertook to feed this back to the directors of the Primary Care Trust (PCT).


In relation to the provision of defibrillators in rural villages, Jo referred to the Great Western Ambulance Service’s Community First Responders scheme.  Councillor Stuart Wheeler added that several parishes within the Pewsey Community Area were raising funds to purchase equipment and undergo training as part of this scheme.


(d)       Pewsey Community Area Partnership


Peter Deck, Chairman of the Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP) gave an update on the work of PCAP.


·         The PCAP had received an update from Wiltshire Council on the Core Strategy.  The second round of consultation would take place later in the year, and the Partnership was pleased that there was little change in the implications for the Pewsey Community Area.

·         Reference was made to the consultation on Gypsy and Traveller sites, and to the forthcoming meeting about British Waterways’ Mooring Policy Review.

·         Anyone wishing to propose amendments to the community plan was advised to contact the Pewsey Parish Council clerk.

·         Forthcoming dates for noting included the next Pewsey Parish Council Planning meeting which would be held in public on 15 April regarding the Whatley Site, and the public hustings at 8 April at 7pm in Bouverie Hall, in relation to the pending election, and to which all Prospective Parliamentary Candidates would be invited.


Peter explained that PCAP had been asked to support a bid from Wiltshire Fire and Rescue to the Performance Reward Grant Scheme for funding towards the Salamander course.  Councillor Hall explained that these courses involved training young people in fire-fighting skills to develop their teamworking skills and self-confidence.  The courses were aimed at young people with behavioural or family problems, and could also take referrals from the Youth Offending team.


Wiltshire Fire and Rescue now sought the support of the Area Board to this county-wide bid.  The Chairman added that he had agreed to accept this item as urgent late business, as it could not wait until the next meeting of the Area Board.



The Pewsey Area Board supported the bid from Wiltshire Fire and Rescue for funding towards the Salamander course, to go forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.