Agenda item

Issues Updates

To receive updates on those issues highlighted at the previous Area Board meeting and raised since, including online:


(a)               Youth Transport

        Community Area Young People’s Issue Group (CAYPIG) to report

        Update from Cabinet

(b)               Town Centre Improvements: Maristow Street and Rotunda project – presentation of report and illustrations

(c)               Dog Fouling – presentation of report

(d)               Crossing on Warminster Road by Green Lane - update

(e)               Oldfield Park parking pilot project – update

(f)                 Springfield Road traffic problem – update

(g)               Anti-social behaviour – update and action plan from Task and Finish Group




The Area Board received updates on the following issues:


(a)               Youth Transport


The Area Board received a report which highlighted concerns regarding transport for young people living in the Westbury Community Area preventing them from accessing out of school hours services.


Sally Willox and Marek Przybylski gave an update on behalf of the local CAYPIG:


·        More questionnaires had now been handed out to young people and the need for transport in and out of Westbury had been highlighted.

·        Young people living in the villages had been asked for their views and statistical evidence had been put together by the CAYPIG.

·        A county wide conference regarding transport issues for young people which had been organised by the youth service was being held on Friday 19 February 2010.


Councillor Richard Gamble, Portfolio Holder for Transport reported as follows:


·        There was a lack of transport provision for young people in certain areas.  This was particularly apparent in the evenings and young people were poorly served in some areas.

·        Cllr Gamble would be attending the conference on transport issues along with Cllr Tonge the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport.  Bus company representatives would also be attending.

·        An idea had been put forward that a “bus club” should be set up which would be piloted in a few areas in the first instance.  A mini bus would be provided at least one night per week to take young people to a specific location.  Young people could join the club for a small fee.

·        The “bus club” idea would be discussed at the conference and it was hoped that this could eventually be rolled out across the county.


(b)               Maristow Street/Rotunda Improvements, Westbury


The Area Board received a report which gave an update on the status of the proposed improvements to Westbury town centre.


A consultation on the town centre improvements had taken place in July and a preferred option had now been identified.  As a result of further discussions with traders and an assessment of the two locations it was determined that the first phase of future works should concentrate on the Rotunda area and opening up the link between High Street and the remainder of the town.   The proposed improvements to Maristow Street would be revisited as the second phase of the improvement works in a future financial year.


It was agreed that the proposals could be made available in the local library if required.  Plans were available at the meeting and people were encouraged to put forward any comments on the scheme.



To support the work to identify a preferred option for improvements to Maristow Street/Rotunda area.


(c)  Dog Fouling


The Area Board received an update on the reported issue of dog fouling in Westbury and action currently being taken to resolve the issue.


There was a problem of dog fouling in the vicinity of Bitham Brook School and the network of paths nearby.  It was an offence for people to allow their dogs to foul footpaths, grass verges or public places. 


It was important to educate people and to raise awareness.  The signs in this area had now been renewed and fines could be issued.  Dog warden patrols would also be increased in the area.  A poster campaign could also be used to address the problem.


(d)       Crossing on Warminster Road by Green Lane


Surveys in this area had now been completed and a technical review had been undertaken.  A safe location for the crossing had been identified at the Cedars, south of Wellhead Lane.  The crossing would be now be provided subject to budget approval.  This had been identified as a high priority scheme and it was hoped that work would commence in the summer. 


Concern was expressed about road safety and general traffic problems at the mini roundabout by the hospital and Leigh Road.



To raise the road safety and general traffic problems at the mini roundabout by the hospital and Leigh Road as an issue for the Area Board and to consider this matter at the next meeting.


(e)       Oldfield Park Parking Pilot Project


There was now a project manager for this pilot scheme and a survey had been undertaken over several days.  The data was still being processed and a report would be brought to the next meeting.


(f)         Springfield Road Traffic Problem


Diana Chard and George Flood, the head girl and boy at Matravers School, informed the Area Board of traffic problems at Springfield Road.  This matter had been raised at a meeting of the student consultative council.  There were concerns about the safety of students walking along the narrow road.  This matter had been formally raised as an issue and the two pupils had met with the community area managers and highways officer to discuss possible solutions.


The fence near the housing was overgrown and this could be cut back to improve visibility.  It was also suggested that the mud and grass in this area could be removed and replaced with a footpath.


It was noted that this matter had been considered in 2006 and certain possible solutions had been discounted.  A one way system was also suggested but this would have implications for residents and school coaches using the road.



To receive an update on this matter at a future meeting.


(g)       Anti Social Behaviour and Street Drinking, Westbury


The Area Board received an update on the action taken on anti social behaviour and street drinking in the town by the Task and Finish Group set up to look at this problem.


135 incident log sheets had been handed out and only six had been returned and just one detailed alcohol related problems.  The police had increased officer patrols at peak hotspot times, a CCTV camera had been installed and a pubwatch scheme had  successfully been restarted.


The Anti Social Behaviour Task Group would meet again in June 2010 but could be called together to meet prior to this if necessary.



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