Agenda item

Allocation of Grant Funding

The Wiltshire councillors will consider applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme.




The Area Board considered 14 funding applications made to the 2009/10 Community Area Grants Scheme.


It was noted that all the grants put forward met the relevant criteria.  The Cabinet had agreed that funding could be rolled over to the next financial year if necessary.


(a)       Fairfield Farm College



To award Fairfield Farm College £5,000 to pay for catering and kitchen equipment to be used to provide enhanced work based learning opportunities for young people with learning difficulties.



The application links to several Wiltshire Council priorities such as improving young people’s participation in positive activities and improving business productivity through innovation.


(b)       Westbury 1st Scout Group



To award £930 to Wiltshire 1st Scout Group for the purchase of specialist cases for the safe transportation of camping equipment and personal kit.



The application links to the Wiltshire Council priority of improving young people’s participation in positive activities.


(Note: At this point in the meeting Cllr David Jenkins left the meeting which enabled Councillors Russell Hawker and Mike Cuthbert-Murray to vote on the following application using their dispensations granted by the Standards Committee)


(c)        Westbury Town Council



To award Westbury Town Council £1,500 towards the heritage plaques project.



The project aims to raise the profile of the town, encourage visitors and enhance the town’s economic viability.


(Note: Councillor David Jenkins returned to the meeting).


(d)       Bratton Parish Council (Recreation Ground Committee)



To award Bratton Parish Council (Recreation Ground Committee) £1,000 to pay for fencing materials and labour.



The project links to Wiltshire Council priorities including engaging with local people, increasing numbers involved in volunteering, encouraging people to make healthy lifestyle choices, improving adult participation in sport and improving young people’s participation in positive activities.


(e)       2nd Westbury All Saints Guides



To award 2nd Westbury All Saints Guides £490 to purchase a storage shed to secure tents and equipment.



The application links to the Wiltshire Council priority of improving young people’s participation in positive activities.


(f)         Relate Mid Wiltshire



To award Relate Mid Wiltshire £990 to fund the Talk Zone service which provides counselling and support to families and young people in Westbury.



The application links to the Wiltshire Council priorities of engaging with local people, encouraging people to make healthy lifestyle choices and increasing the amount of people who feel safe in their community.


(g)       Westbury and District Cricket Club



To award Westbury and District Cricket Club £1,300 to fund the upgrade of two lane cricket nets that have been condemned through health and safety.



This application links into a range of Wiltshire Council priorities including improving adult participation in sport and improving young people’s participation in positive activities.


(h)        Westbury Detachment, Wiltshire Army Cadet Force



To award £550 to Westbury Detachment, Wiltshire Army Cadet Force to fund training equipment including casualty simulations kits and instructional DVDs.



The application links into a range of Wiltshire Council priorities including increasing the number of people involved in volunteering and improving young people’s participation in positive activities.


(i)         Westbury Community Fitness and Friendship Group



To award £1,700 to Westbury Community Fitness and Friendship Group to fund the set up and running of a pilot Fitness and Friendship group for people over 60.



The application links into a range of Wiltshire Council priorities including encouraging healthy lifestyle changes and improving adult participation in sport.


(j)                  Westbury Amateur Swimming Club



To award £961 to Westbury Amateur Swimming Club to purchase water polo goals and associated equipment.



The application links into a range of Wiltshire Council priorities including encouraging healthy lifestyle changes, improving adult participation in sport and improving young people’s participation in positive activities.


(k)        Westbury First Responders



To award £1,000 to Westbury First Responders to fund the purchase of a defibrillator and associated equipment for use in emergency first response.



The application links into a range of Wiltshire Council priorities including increasing numbers involved in volunteering and reducing death through accidents.  Lack of match funding means that the Area Board is only able to grant a maximum of £1,000.


(l)         White Horse Day Centre



To award £720 towards the purchase of a laptop and printer.



The application links into a range of Wiltshire Council priorities including increasing numbers involved in volunteering, encouraging healthy lifestyle changes and increasing the numbers of people who feel safe in their community.


(Note: At this point in the meeting Cllr David Jenkins left the meeting which enabled Councillors Russell Hawker and Mike Cuthbert-Murray to vote on the following application using their dispensations granted by the Standards Committee)


(m)      Westbury Town Council



To award £5000 to Westbury Town Council to undertake a vision and scoping study to update the Vision for Westbury and help plan the future needs of the town and community.



This application links into a number of Wiltshire Council priorities including increasing numbers involved in volunteering, encouraging healthy lifestyle changes and increasing the numbers who feel safe in their community.


(Note: Cllr David Jenkins returned to the meeting).


(n)        BA13+ Community Area Partnership



To award the BA13+ Community Area Partnership the final tranche of funding of £2,124 towards the work of the partnership including administration costs and the updating of the community plan.



This application meets the 2009/10 grant criteria.


It was noted that the entire grant funding for 2009/10 had now been allocated. 

Supporting documents: