To receive a presentation and update on the implementation of the new Waste and Recycling Collection Service.
Martin Litherland, Head of Waste Collection, gave a presentation on the new waste collection arrangements. These changes were due to the need to harmonise the old district council services as part of the move to a unitary authority for Wiltshire, and the need to reduce waste sent to landfill, with landfill tax increasing to £80 per tonne by 2014.
A public consultation had been held on the proposed new arrangements during the summer of 2011, with over 72% of respondents in favour of the proposals.
The new service would comprise of a fortnightly collection of garden waste, plastic bottles and cardboard, and the existing black box recycling (glass, tins and clothing), and fortnightly collection of residual waste, with the two collections on the same day of the week, on alternate weeks.
Some roads in the city centre had been identified as “exception sites”, and would continue to receive weekly collections due to a combination of the demography (i.e. elderly population) and the type of buildings (i.e. flats, or terraced housing with no front gardens or rear access to store wheeled bins). These roads had been selected by officers using local knowledge, and following consultation with Councillors.
The new service would commence on 26 March, and collection calendars and information had been sent to all residents. Anyone wishing to seek clarification was encouraged to call the council on 0300 456 0102 or email
Questions and comments were raised including the following points:
· Martin acknowledged that not all roads would have the two collections on the same days, but that this would be the case for the vast majority of households.
· Large print copies of the collection calendars were available on request.
· Martin confirmed that all new bins had been sourced from within the UK.
· The view was expressed that the new collection arrangements amounted to a drop in service for Salisbury residents, and that other roads should be added to the list to retain weekly collections, including Salt Lane and Bedwyn Street. It was also noted that while the consultation had shown 72% in favour of the proposals across the county, the figure in the former Salisbury District Council area had been much lower.
· The view was also made that the Council had a policy requirement to increase recycling and to reduce the cost of landfill tax. The draft Community Plan showed that 55% wanted more recycling, and it was anticipated that the new proposals would increase recycling rates from 35% to 50%.
Following a proposal that the Area Board should amend the list of sites to continue to received weekly collection, it was noted that this was not within the powers of the Area Board. As such, any such motion would be put forward as a recommendation to the officers and the cabinet member.
The Salisbury Area Board has outstanding concerns regarding the list of roads to continue to receive weekly waste collection, and recommends that the following roads be added to the list:
· Salt Lane and Bedwyn Street (on account of the elderly demographic and the type of properties); and
· Other roads as notified by Councillors independently.
(ACTION: Martin Litherland)