Agenda item

Speed Indicator Devices and C Class Road Review

Martin Rose, Principal Highway Engineer, will give a presentation about speed indicator devices and the review of C class roads.


Martin Rose, Principal Highway Engineer, delivered a presentation about speed indicator devices and the review of C class roads.


Information was provided about Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs):


·       A SID was a portable temporary sign with a variable display that detected and displayed the speed of an approaching vehicle.

·       The role of SIDs – to highlight speeding issues where direct measures could not be used.

·       How SIDs were used – deployed on a temporary basis and generally erected for 14 days.

·       The deployment schedule – each area board had been allocated a SID and asked to review, amend or add new sites to the deployment schedule on a regular basis.

·       Requests for new sites should be made to the Community Area Manager, Miranda Gilmour, on 01672 515742 or If the selection criteria was not met the final decision as to the deployment of the SID rested with the area board.


There was the opportunity to ask questions after the presentation:


·       In Malmesbury some individuals had taken bets on the highest speed they could reach, as indicated on the device – the device could record speeds, however this drained the battery to 7 days.

·       Abbey Row was identified as a site where a SID could be useful though a 20 mph zone and speed bumps were already in place – if a site put forward did not meet the selection criteria, the area board could still request a SID if the site was a persistent issue.

·       Permanent flashing speed limit signs were in existence in the county – since these had been put in place it had been recognised their effectiveness decreased over time and temporary signs were an improved option. 


Martin then provided information about the review of C class roads. A review of all A and B class roads was completed in 2010. As a result, in excess of 120 speed limit changes would take place in 2011-12 and 2012-13. Members also agreed to review C class and unclassified roads. Wiltshire Council would rank this road network within each area board based on collision rates and length. The information would be put to Community Area Transport Groups (CATGs) by the end of April 2012. The results of their assessment should be available by the end of December 2012.


Questions were taken from the floor. There was a wish to reduce the speed limit on the B4040 from 40 mph to 30 mph in Leigh. Martin commented that the road had already been subject to the A and B road network review, however other measures to reduce speeding traffic could be investigated. A Community Speed Watch member expressed frustration at the lack of recognition of the work of Community Speed Watch.


Councillor Soden assured the individual that the efforts of Community Speed Watch were appreciated and she thanked the group personally for the report they had produced about speeding traffic.



The report produced by Community Speed Watch about speeding traffic in Leigh would be considered by Martin Rose, Principal Highway Engineer, and feedback would be provided at a future area board meeting.