Agenda item

Updates on Issues raised by Melksham 55+ Group

The Area Board will receive issues raised by the Melksham 55+ Group.


The Chairman and Brian Warwick – Melksham 55+ Group updated various issues raised by the Melksham 55+ Group.

1.Bus timetabling – some progress on this issue, very much an historical one, Portfolio holder, Richard Gamble now looking into it.

2.Steeple Ashton/ Great Hinton residents, no direct bus link to Melksham – JS felt that he hadn’t pick up anything about this issue at parish meetings and felt the two villages probably aligned themselves more with Trowbridge than Melksham in terms of transport links.

3.Traffic Lights in the town centre -  Mark Stansby, W/C Highways Dept now looking to find a solution to this issue.

4.Poor visibility due to Church Street parking bays – it was felt that perhaps high sided vehicles should be prohibited from using these parking bays.

5.Drivers failing to stop at the King’s Street pedestrian crossing – Agreed with Highways Dept that slow markings and crossing stripes would be re-painted to increase visibility.

6.Re-locating of the Church Lane pedestrian Crossing – Not possible to move this crossing, resurfacing of the road approaching the crossing would at least make it easier for drivers to stop at the crossing.

7.Parking on the pavements in the Market Place – agreed with Highways Dept that dropped kerbs would be repainted.

8.Bus Shelter entrances situated in the wrong ends of shelters in the Market Place – not able to do anything about this issue until the Market Place is redeveloped as part of the Melksham Campus scheme.

9.Steet seating and landscaping in the Market Place – a previous plan put forward by the Melksham Civic Society could be revisited when the Market Place is redeveloped.

10.Cyclists using Snowberry Lane – School children using this soon to be very busy link road, Melksham Oak School needed to be advised of this. Cllr Hubbard advised that work was being carried out on this issue with Melksham Oak School.

11.Cyclist riding through red lights – advised that the local Neighbourhood Policing teams were looking at this issue as well as scooter users and cyclists riding on pavements. The point was made that they rode on pavements to avoid being squeezed by motorists when using the road.

12. Resurfacing of the Market Place – Highways Dept officers had looked at the condition of the road surface, some pot holes had been filled, some unacceptable pot holes that remained would be filled as soon as possible, with the road surface being resurfaced when the market Pace was redeveloped.

13.Footway from Berryfields to Town Centre resurfacing – agreed that some small areas to be dealt with and undergrowth cut back where required.

Brian Warwick also expressed his concerns with delays with  local hospitals feeding back to GP’s. The issue was being looked into by the NHS Trust, with an update expected during the summer.

The Chairman thanked Brian Warwick and the 55+ Group for raising the issues, a number of which had now been resolved.

Brian Warwick thanked the Wiltshire Highways Officers for their work in addressing the issues.