Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive an update from the partners listed below:


a.    Wiltshire Police (attached)


b.    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service – to include information on the Integrated Risk Management Plan for 2012-15 (attached)


c.    NHS Wiltshire (attached)


d.    Calne Community Area Partnership


e.    Calne CAYPIG (Community Area Young People’s Issues Group)


f.     Town and Parish Councils.


a.    Sector Inspector Martin Schorah highlighted key points from the written update from Wiltshire Police provided in the agenda pack. Up to date information about Neighbourhood Policing Teams and local priorities was available to view on the website: The Sector Inspector explained that while there were no recent changes to staffing levels, costs


Calne Neighbourhood Policing Team were currently working with partners, including anti social behavioural officers, housing officers, Wiltshire and the Town Council to tackle the rise in anti social behaviour caused by large groups gathering in The Pippin. This work involved sending police warning letters to the parents/guardians of those concerned.


An arrest and charge had been made in relation to the rise in shed and garage burglaries over the last few months in Calne.


The Neighbourhood Policing Team had been working hard to secure statements and evidence to support an Anti Social Behavioural Order application regarding a local male who had caused the town distress through his behaviour and continued shop lifting. The male had been arrested and charged and an ASBO application hearing would soon take place.


A successful patrol had taken place with nine uniformed officers and a passive drug dog going into the local licensed premises and other late night establishments. 


b.    The written update from Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service was noted. Scott Taylor then provided information about the Integrated Risk Management Plan. The risks that Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service faced were changing, from a reduction in the budget, through the increased housing within Wiltshire to the type of incidents that were responded to. A service review was underway and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service welcomed public opinion.


For this, you could register as a stakeholder and receive a survey to complete, please call: 01380 731114, you could view the consultation document and comment using the following email address: or surveys were available to complete at the meeting.


This was followed by a short question and answer session, which covered the main points below:


·         In other areas home safety checks had been tied to assisted bin collections to target vulnerable people. Mike Franklin confirmed that while Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service were not working with refuse collectors, they were working with other partner organisations on this issue.

·         There was the intention for the fire station in Calne to remain over the plan period 2010-2026.

·         It was proposed that Calne would be in a community with Devizes and Melksham, with a team based in Devizes who would reach out to the other teams (this would not apply to emergency calls).

·         Fire safety messages were given at the meeting regarding being careful in dry weather as small fires can easily spread and the need to put out disposable barbeques properly as they can melt wheeled bins.   


c.    The written update from NHS Wiltshire was noted.


d.    It was noted that Calne Community Area Partnership would be discussed at a later stage in the meeting.


e.    Will Kay, Youth Development Co-Ordinator, spoke on behalf of young people from the Community Area Young People’s Issues Group. A planning application regarding the skate board park had been submitted and was being processed. Meetings of the group were now being held in the Town Hall and fundraising for the project, including a skate competition, would be arranged over the summer months. Will presented Councillor Crisp with a card for Councillor Marshall, signed by the group, wishing him to get well soon. Will thanked Councillor Marshall for all his help over the last two years with the skate board project.


f.     Calne Town Council invited people to come into the town to see the Olympic Torch on 23 May and enjoy a good day. Calne Without Parish Council reported that white gates and lights had been ordered.



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