Agenda item

New Standards Framework

To consider the report of the Monitoring Officer (To follow).


Public Participation


Mr Scragg – member of Chippenham Town Council and member of this Council’s Standards Committee and Task and Finish Group addressed Council on this item.


Cllr Stuart Wheeler as Cabinet member on the Focus Group on the Review of the Constitution presented a report which informed Council of the work undertaken so far in preparing for the implementation of the new standards framework under the Localism Act 2011.


The report also invited Council to consider the Standards Committee’s proposals for implementation of the new framework in Wiltshire. This included approval being sought on a proposed Code of Conduct and arrangements for dealing with complaints under the Code for the purposes of consultation with Wiltshire Councillors and Wiltshire Parish Councillors. Final approval would be sought at the extraordinary meeting of Council on 26 June 2012 taking into account any comments received.


Details of the job description and specification for the appointment of the independent person and seeking the advice of the Independent Remuneration Panel on the rate of remuneration, arrangements for the appointment of co-opted members and terms of reference of a new Standards Committee were presented.


At the Chairman’s invitation, Mrs Isabel McCord, Chairman of the current Standards Committee addressed Council on this item, particularly in relation to the proposed Code of Conduct. She considered that the Code did not cover behavioural issues such as bullying and respect which affected relationships between various parties and could impact on the reputation of the authority.


Cllr Jonathon Seed in thanking Mrs McCord for the work of the Standards Committee, presented amendments to the printed recommendations which were duly seconded, details of which were presented.


The report proposed the membership of the sub-committees of the new Standards Committee would not be subject to the rules on political proportionality. This would give flexibility to allow cross party representation to include minority groups and optimise Councillor availability. However, this approach to membership could only be implemented if no Councillor voted against the proposal.


Cllr Wheeler paid tribute to Mrs McCord and the other independent members of the current Standards Committee. Mrs McCord had been a good Chairman and with her Standards Committee had undertaken an excellent job. These comments were echoed by the Leader of the Council.


With the consent of Council, Cllr Wheeler incorporated the amendments moved by Cllr Seed into his motion and it was therefore




(1)     To approve the draft code of conduct (DCLG model text) as amended for consultation with Wiltshire Councillors and Wiltshire Parish Councillors before final approval is sought at the next meeting on 26 June 2012.


(2)     To approve the arrangements for dealing with code of conduct complaints, as set out in the report, for consultation with Wiltshire Councillors and Wiltshire Parish, Town and City Councillors before final approval is sought at the next meeting on 26 June 2012.


(3)     To approve the job description and specification for the independent person as set out in the report.


(4)     To authorise the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the chairman of the new standards committee, to take the necessary steps to secure the appointment of 3 independent persons in accordance with the arrangements set out at paragraph 30 the report.


(5)     To seek the advice of the Independent Remuneration Panel on an appropriate rate of remuneration for the independent person and to bring this back to council for decision on 26 June 2012.


(6)     *To agree to establish a standards committee with terms of reference as set out in the report, save that the sub-committees will be subject to the requirements of political balance.


(7)     To authorise the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the chairman of the new standards committee, to agree the arrangements for selection of co-opted members in accordance with paragraph 34 of the report, for appointment by Council at its meeting on 26 June 2012.


(8)     With effect from its appointment by council on 15 May 2012 the new standards committee will be entirely responsible for all standards framework development matters and decisions will only be taken on matters by elected members of the council.


(9)     To retain the current standards committee, including the current membership, for such period as is necessary to discharge its obligations relating to ongoing cases under the current regime until 1 July 2012 and for such further period as may be determined by statutory regulation.


(10)  To agree to consult parish councils on the council’s proposals for the implementation of the new standards framework in Wiltshire before a final decision is made by council on 26 June 2012.


*        Cllr Francis Morland requested that his vote against the decision to approve the terms of reference of the new Standards Committee in so far as they related to the Sub-Committees of the Committee not being politically balanced. As this required no Councillor voting against such a decision, the Sub-Committees would now be politically balanced.

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