Agenda item

Increase of Taxi Tariff - South Zone

This report by Kate Golledge (Public Protection Manager Safer Communities and Licensing) is to inform the committee of the changes in the current tariff and the main reasons for objection to those changes.


It recommends that the Licensing Committee consider the objections and implement a new taxi tariff to take effect within two months from 5 April 2012, with a recommended implementation date of 7 June 2012.


Firstly the Chairman invited Kate Golledge (Public Protection Manager - Safer Communities and Licensing) to clarify how the proposed implementation date of 7 June 2012 would be achieved. She explained that, should any changes be approved to the Taxi Tariff – South Zone, the decision would be published on the Wiltshire Council Website this day and changes to the fare meters, tariff displays, etc would have to be implemented within 21 days.


Kate Golledge (Public Protection Manager - Safer Communities and Licensing) then introduced her report which set out the responses to the proposed increase of the taxi tariff in the South area of Wiltshire Council following public consultation


Key points raised included:

·         The background to this proposal with the first request made in March 2011;

·         The request to increase the Taxi Tariff – South Zone had been made by the trade;

·         That after three rounds of consultation Licensing Officers and the trade had been unable to reach a compromise;

·         That if the system of “extras / surcharges” was kept in the South Zone it would prevent harmonisation of tariffs across the whole of Wiltshire;

·         That the modified tariff should enable the trade to make a living whilst ensuring that the needs of the customers were taken into account.


She pointed out that the Committee currently had at least three options before it:

·         To maintain the existing Taxi Tariff for the South Zone;

·         To implement the Licensing officer’s proposal;

·         To implement the trade’s proposal.


Following questions from committee members it was established that a fourth option would be available:

·         To implement a modified tariff in-between the existing, the Licensing officer’s proposal and the trade’s proposal.


Mr David Haynes, representing a considerable group of taxi drivers in the South Zone, gave a presentation to explain the rationale behind the trade’s proposal.


Mr Dave Griffin explained the difficulties faced by taxi drivers in the South Zone, due to both the global financial situation and Salisbury’s particular topography.


Members of the Committee then asked technical questions and a discussion ensued regarding the information contained in the agenda pack, public representations on the issue, further information from the Public Protection Manager and the public speakers’ comments on the day.


After a lengthy debate and taking into account the rationale behind the trade’s proposal but also supporting the concept of harmonised tariffs in the future and discussing the details of a potential “fourth option” it was,




1.    To implement the following tariff from 7 June 2012:


Tariff One

6am to 10pm

First 352 yards (1/10th of a mile or 161m) or part thereof


Each subsequent 176 yards (1/10th of a mile or 161m)

or part thereof 20p

Waiting time for each 48 seconds

(=£15 per hour)


Tariff Two

10pm to 6am and on all Public Holidays with the exception of those covered by Tariff 3

First 352 yards (1/10th of a mile or 161m) or part thereof


Each subsequent 176 yards (1/10th of a mile or 161m)

or part thereof 30p

Waiting time for each 60 seconds (=£18 per hour)


Tariff Three

Christmas Day and New Years Day

First 352 yards (1/10th of a mile or 161m) or part thereof


Each subsequent 176 yards (1/10th of a mile or 161m)

or part thereof 40p

Waiting time for each 60 seconds

(=£24 per hour)


Soiling charge - whether taxi or seating is soiled or defecated by any passenger or animal, which necessitates cleaning before the vehicle can be used again for public hire.




Mileage Charges

1st Mile

2nd Mile

Each sub mile

Tariff One 6am to 10pm

£3.20 + £1.80







Tariff Two 10pm to 6am

£4.50 + £2.70







Tariff Three Christmas Day and New Years Day

£6.00 + £3.60









2.    To not apply any “extras” or surcharges to the agreed tariff above.





Supporting documents: