Agenda item

New Standards Framework

Consultation on this item has been undertaken with town, parish and city councils. The report of the Monitoring Officer will follow to ensure all comments received by the closing date of 15 June are collated and taken into account.



Council had at its meeting on 15 May 2012 resolved a number of measures in preparation for implementing a new standards framework as required by the Localism Act 2011. In particular, Council had approved the establishment of a new Standards Committee. It had also approved a new draft Code of Conduct and arrangements for dealing with complaints under the Code for the purpose of consultation with town, parish and city councils.



At the Chairman’s invitation, Cllr Julian Johnson, Chairman of the Standards Committee presented a report on the outcome of the consultation with parish, town and city councils on this Council’s proposals under the new standards framework.  Council was therefore asked to determine its arrangements for the new standards framework in the light of the outcome of the consultation for implementation on 1 July 2012.


Cllr Johnson responded to questions raised and moved the recommendations set out in the report presented and this was seconded by Cllr Chris Williams.





(1)  note the comments received from parish councils in response to the

(2)  approve the draft code of conduct as set out in Appendix B of

      Appendix 1 of the report presented for adoption with effect from

      1 July 2012. 

(3)  ask the standards committee to develop proposals, in consultation

      with parish councils, on any additional pecuniary and non-pecuniary

      interests that should be declared and registered under the code of

      conduct, and on the question of withdrawal from meetings, and to

      bring these back to council for consideration at the earliest



Cllr Francis Morland requested that his vote against the above decisions (1-3) be recorded.


Cllr Russell Hawker requested that his abstention from voting on the above  decisions (1-3) be recorded.

(4)  approve the arrangements for dealing with code of conduct  

      complaints, as set out in Appendix C of Appendix 1, for adoption

      with effect from 1 July 2012. 


Cllr Russell Hawker requested that his vote against the above decision (4) be recorded.

(5)   set the level of allowance for the statutory role of the Independent Person appointed under Section 28(6) of the Localism Act 2011 at £2,240 per annum with effect from 1 July 2012.

(6)   note that the Independent Remuneration Panel will review this allowance in the light of experience as part of its full review of members’ allowances in the autumn.

(7)   agree that initial appointments of co-opted members are made from the existing co-opted membership of the former standards committee for a term of approximately 12 months until such time as new appointments are made following parish council elections in May 2013.

(8)   note that the appointment of non-voting co-opted members to the new standards committee will now be made on 10 July 2012.



(Adjourned for lunch 2.05pm – 2.50pm)

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