Agenda item

Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel - Members' Allowances

To consider the report and recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel following its consideration of the remuneration for the following roles:


Standards Committee – Chairman and co-opted members

Scrutiny Committee allowances

Health and Wellbeing Board members

Police and Crime Panel members


Report to follow.



For interests declared in this item, please refer to minute no. 57  above.


Cllr John Noeken, Cabinet Member for Resources presented the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel which reviewed and advised on Members’ allowances.


The Panel had met to consider the level of allowances that would be appropriate for the following roles:


·         Standards Committee Chairman, independent co-opted members and town and parish council members

·         Scrutiny Committee allowances

·         Police and Crime Panel members

·         Health and Wellbeing Board members


The report detailed the issues discussed for each of the above areas and the conclusions reached.  It was noted that there would be an opportunity to pick up any discrepancies in any subsequent review.


A discussion ensued on the fund of £10,000 for Overview and Scrutiny members and it was confirmed that the fund was intended to reward  Councillors for performing additional specific scrutiny functions such as chairing task groups and rapid scrutiny exercises. It was agreed to better reflect the latter point in the recommendation before Council.  


Cllr Noeken moved the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel and an additional recommendation in respect of the Health and Wellbeing Board and this was duly seconded.




1.            To set the Special Responsibility Allowance payable to the Chairman of the Standards Committee at £2,517 per annum (Band 9) to reflect the anticipated reduced workload and number of meetings.


2.            Set the co-optee’s allowance payable to independent and town and parish members of the new Standards Committee at £1,120 per annum.


3.            Retain the current allowances for those engaged in the scrutiny process and in particular to note that:-


a.    The issue of paying an allowance to vice chairmen of scrutiny committees would be considered along with all other vice chairmen as part of the larger review later in the year; and

b.    The £10k pot for allocation to scrutiny members is to recognise significant additional responsibility, such as chairing Task Groups and Rapid Scrutiny Exercises.


4.            Agree an SRA for the Chairman of the PCP of £7550 representing 30% of the Leaders SRA.


5.            Agree an allowance of £1926 for the independent co-opted members of the Police Crime Panel.


6.            Agree that no allowance be paid to the ordinary members of the Police Crime Panel at present as this was covered by the basic allowance and that the issue of an allowance for  the vice-chairman be considered as part of the overall review of allowances along with all other vice-chairs.


7.            Agree that no allowances be payable for any members of the Health and Wellbeing Board.


8.            To ask the Independent Panel to reconsider the issue of a special responsibility allowance (SRA) payable to the chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Board as part of its wider review on the basis that its current recommendation that no SRA be payable, is based on the current situation that the Leader chairs the Board and this may not always be the case – the SRA should be based on the position not the person who occupies it.


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