Agenda item

Announcements by the Chairman


(a)               Andrew Kerr – New Chief Executive


On behalf of the Council, the Chairman welcomed Andrew Kerr to this his first meeting of Council.


The Chairman commented that he was confident that Mr Kerr would find his new role challenging as well as interesting and rewarding and looked forward to working with him.


(b)       New Years Honours List


The Chairman was delighted to announce that a number of Wiltshire residents had received national recognition in the New Years Honours list, details of which he read out to the Council.  The Chairman congratulated them all noting that many had made a significant contribution to communities within the County.


the Chairman particularly congratulated Cllr Jane Scott, Leader of the Council who was made OBE. The Chairman commented that she had given sterling service to Local Government over many years and had worked remarkably hard to bring about the successful establishment of Wiltshire Council.  This was a thoroughly well-deserved national recognition of her achievements.


(c)        Royal Visit – St John School and Community College, Marlborough


The Chairman explained that the Vice-Chairman, Councillor Bill Moss’ absence was due to the fact he was standing in for him at the formal opening by Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cornwall of the new buildings at St John School and Community College in Marlborough.


Cllr Chris Humphries was also attending the same function as was Cllr Fogg in his capacity as Mayor of Marlborough.


The Chairman explained that the school now had excellent facilities and the Head Teacher, Dr Patrick Hazlewood and his staff were to be congratulated on their achievement.  On behalf of the Council he wished the school every success for the future.


(d)               Wootton Bassett Repatriations


The Chairman remarked that all Councillors would be familiar with the dedication with which the people of Wootton Bassett had marked the repatriation of fallen soldiers when each cortege passed through the Town.  He reported that this had now received national recognition.


In December 2009, the Mayor and some other citizens of Wootton Bassett responsible for organising the events surrounding each repatriation were invited to visit 10 Downing Street and meet the Prime Minister.  They were also invited to the Military Awards – known as ‘The Millies” and were presented with an award for ‘support to the troops’ by HRH Prince William.


Further recognition was given to the Town when their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall visited Wootton Bassett in January 2010, when the Prince personally thanked the townspeople for all that they did to honour the fallen soldiers on behalf of the people of this Country.


(e)       George Batten, Director of Transport, Environment and Leisure


During the course of the meeting, the Chairman reported that this would be the last Council meeting attended by George Batten who was retiring after 30 years service to the Council. The Chairman paid tribute to George’s hard work and dedication. George was considered to be very highly thought of across the County and very popular with both staff and Councillors.  On behalf of Council, the Chairman wished George good luck in his retirement.