Agenda item

Business Plan Annual Update

The Management Committee has in its terms of reference agreed by Council to review delivery of the Business Plan on an annual basis.


The Business Plan Annual Update report, as submitted to Cabinet on 19 June 2012, is attached, together with a supplementary report which aims to:


·         Provide more information about the council’s performance for 2011/12

·         Highlight the successes of the ‘on target’ (green) indicators

·         Update the performance results for indicator ID4003 as a result of a recalculation of base figures


The Committee is asked to use the business plan update to inform its future work programme.


The Chairman introduced the Business Plan Annual Update and supplementary report for consideration.  This formed part of the Committee’s Terms of Reference to review delivery of the Business Plan on an annual basis.


The Cabinet member for Finance, Performance and Risk was in attendance and provided background to the reports presented.  This included that the 4 year business plan was agreed in February 2011 and detailed what the authority hoped to achieve by 2015. 


The reports themselves included progress made to date with the supplementary report providing further clarity on key targets achieved.


The Annual Update report as presented to Cabinet on 19 June provided details of the 32 indicators of which 11 had been selected as priority.  22 of the 32 targets set had been achieved and, for those areas where targets had not been met many related to small numbers of individuals, i.e. in relation to Looked after Children attainment figures and adoption data.  Of the 11 priority indicators it was noted that 8 were on target.


Although the Committee accepted that the setting of targets was critical to ensure performance was monitored effectively, it should be recognised that some areas were not always fully within the Council’s control.


Clarification was provided that performance was monitored on a regular basis by managers within the individual teams to ensure slippages were identified at an early stage as possible.


Ensuing discussion on key indicators took place as follows:




Examples of the impact of transferring numbers to percentages included the target for care leavers in suitable education, jobs or training and attainment levels.   It was explained that as the number of children within these classification were low any variance in expected outcomes in relation to just one child could alter the possibility of reaching target.


Members of the Committee noted the impact of such figures and suggested that consideration should be given on how this information might be better reported in the future.


On a similar basis, the Committee questioned the validity of including targets against general school attainment levels noting that the authority undertook a monitoring role only in many circumstances.


Public Health


In addressing the reports, it was noted that there were 65 outcome measures across Wiltshire most of which were performing well although lifestyle issues remained a challenge.


Prioritised targets included reducing the gap between male and female life expectancy.  Although the gap between best and worst cases were one of the lowest in the country, it was noted that health inequalities amongst males had widened.


Job Creation and Safeguarding


Discussion took place on the most appropriate scrutiny to be undertaken in relation to this target, noting that much was dependant on the economic circumstances.


The Chairman and Vice Chairman would discuss the most appropriate way in which to undertake this activity.


Superfast Broadband


Confirmation was provided that BT and Fujitsu had been appointed as suppliers.  Contracts were expected to be signed around October 2012.  The Project Board was due to meet later this week where further updates would be available.  Rollout of improved broadband was due to commence at the end of the year.


Congratulations were given by the Committee on the work of the Project Board and supporting team noting the continued efforts to strive towards 95% coverage.


Reduce the roads maintenance backlog by 10% by March 2015.


The calculation of the backlog had now been rebased using more accurate data, including a revised backlog figure for 2010/11 of £59m (which was inclusive of supervision and design work for delivering the scheme).  To minimise the public impact much of the work was now being undertaken out of hours.  However this had increased cost implications.  Based on the rebased figures there was confidence that the target would be reached.


Unclassified roads were also raised with confirmation provided that the condition of Wiltshire roads were of a higher standard than many other authorities however the emphasis would always remain on prioritising roads in most use. 


The Committee recognised that Highways was an item identified for consideration by the Environment Select Committee and accordingly would defer future consideration to this Committee.


Customer Telephone Call Connection Rates


In noting that the target of 95% had not been achieved for 2011/12 the following information was asked to be taken into consideration by the attending Service Director for Business Services.


An update document specific to Customer Services Performance Indicators was referred to at the meeting.  This included details of the key challenges faced and progress made to help improve performance.


The Committee was asked to note that the ‘connection rate’ target had now been amended to reflect a more realistic goal of 90%.  This, together with progress made in addressing the contributing factors, had resulted in much better performance figures with a connection rate of 92.8% achieved in May increasing to 93.4 in June.


In summarising the Chairman praised the achievements made by reaching the majority of targets set within the Business Plan.  However it was noted that the presentation of the report could be improved in order to highlight the achievements made and provide clarity on target information.




1)            To thank the officers and Cabinet members in attendance; and


2)            That the Cabinet members would take into consideration the comments made by the Committee when producing future reports.


3)            The individual select committees to be aware of performance issues relevant to their areas.

Supporting documents: