Agenda item

Volunteering in Wiltshire

Report by the Service Director Communities


Councillor John Thomson - Adult Care, Communities and Housing presented a report which updated councillors on the work to develop volunteering across the County and requested agreement to the proposals set out in the report.  It was noted that volunteering in the Libraries had been a great success and the Spice Time Credits Scheme had worked very well.  The Council would use the learning about volunteering support to provide further opportunities for staff to volunteer to support community activities and events in the forthcoming year.




That Cabinet


1.    Commits to its community leadership role in relation to employee volunteering, so that it can be seen by local businesses to be a key partner to Wiltshire Responsible Employer Network and a role model to local businesses.


2.    Agrees that the Council will use the learning about volunteering to support the work of the Legacy Board with further opportunities for staff to volunteer to support community activities or events next year.


3.    Delegates the fine detail of the employee volunteering scheme to the Cabinet member for Adult Care, Communities and Housing who will work with the Communities and Voluntary Sector Support Team (with links to the HR Policy and L& D teams) to implement it and refer to the Staffing Policy Committee if deemed appropriate


Reason for the decision


Cabinet is requested to commit to its community leadership role in relation to employee volunteering so that it can be seen by local businesses to be a key partner to Wiltshire Responsible Employer Network and a role model to local businesses.


Supporting documents: