Agenda item

Community Area Grants

To consider the following applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme:-


(a)        Westbury Town Council  to replace and improve CCTV system - £5,000 requested.


(b)       Bratton Recreation Ground Skate Ramp – to install a skate ramp at the village recreation ground - £1233 requested.


(c)        Health Eating Project – area board councillor led grant application £1870 requested.


(d)       Trowbridge Sea Cadet Unit – To purchase a minibus - £5,000 requested.


(e)       Youth Funding  To agree £4,040 youth funding should be earmarked for the purchase of keep fit /activity equipment for teenagers. The funding to be transferred to Westbury Town Council to help fund this project.




The Community Area Manager reported that over the past three years this Area Board had awarded more than £11,000 for projects in Bratton and gave a brief resume of each project as follows:


·                Bratton Allotments -  £1000 for fencing and water connection


·                Bratton Recreation Ground - £1,250  for a mower, £1,000 for fencing, £2,140 to upgrade kitchen facilities, £850 to improve access


·                Bratton Jubilee Hall and the Pavilion - £1000 for Jubilee celebrations, £535 for Jubilee Players, £1,000 for new tables, £525 to improve toilet facilities in the Pavilion


·                Bratton Village Green - £1000 for replacing play matting


·                Bratton Community Orchard - £589 for tools 


She then introduced the report and explained each application in turn.


(a)       Westbury Town Council – to replace and improve CCTV system - £5,000 requested.




To approve a grant of £5,000 to replace and improve CCTV system.




To replace out of date cameras with modern responsive equipment and to add two new devices.


This project reinforces the commitment to community safety.


(b)      Bratton  Recreation Ground Skate Ramp – to install a skate ramp at the village recreation ground - £1,233 requested.




To approve a grant of £1,233 to install a skate ramp at the village recreation ground.




A group of young people in the village approached the Recreation Ground Committee to ask permission to raise funds to purchase a skateboard ramp; this project supports their efforts to help themselves. By placing a half pipe skate board ramp on the Recreation Ground in Bratton we will be providing a safe place for children aged 10+ to play on their scooters, skateboards and BMX bikes. It will also encourage young adults and children to access the other amenities available in the field e.g. All weather gym equipment, football and basketball. 



(c)       Healthy Eating Project – area board councillor led grant application - £1,870 requested.




To approve a grant of £1,870 to promote healthy eating for Year 6 pupils in schools.




To raise early awareness of the importance of healthy eating good dental health care at the earliest opportunity. It will also raise awareness of health related issues and healthy eating. Its message would reach both parents and children and hopefully have positive knock on effect through publicity and awareness raising. 


(d)      Trowbridge Sea Cadet Unit – To purchase a minibus - £5,000 requested.




To approve a grant of £250 towards the purchase of a minibus for the Trowbridge Sea Cadet Unit, bearing in mind that only four young people from Westbury are members of this Unit.




A replacement minibus is vital for the Sea Cadets to be transported safely to outdoor recreational pursuits of sailing, boat pulling and canoeing, as well as to aid participation in training and development sessions, competitions and events. These activities encourage self confidence and team spirit. They lead young people towards responsible adulthood by encouraging high standards of conduct.  


(e)       Youth Funding – To part fund keep fit/activity equipment - £4,040 requested.




To approve £4,040 youth funding for the purchase of keep fit/activity equipment for teenagers, to be transferred to Westbury Town Council to help fund this project, and to request regular updates on the progress of this project.




After consultation with the Westbury Town Council, which is responsible for local play areas, it was suggested that this year’s youth funding could be best used to help pay for activity equipment which would appeal to teenagers as well as younger children.


The aim is to install the equipment in Grassacres Park. The project will be led by and part funded by Westbury Town Council.


Similar equipment has proved popular in other areas and appears to fill the gap in such provision for older children.






Supporting documents: