Agenda item

Melksham Campus - services and facilities

To approve the broad positioning of the Campus on the Melksham House site and the accommodation schedule of services and facilities that will be provided.


a. Introduction by the Shadow Community Operations Board, (SCOB ).

b. Presentation form the Architect and Wiltshire Council Officers.

c. Discussion on content.

d. Discussion on layout.

e. Recommendations.



The Chairman advised that the purpose of the meeting was to agree the content of the campus facilities, there were no detailed architects plans drawn up at this stage of the process, but the initial results from feasibility work.


Lucy Murray-Brown – Head of Campus & Operational Models gave a brief introduction which outlined where Melksham was with its campus project to date.

Points made included:

        COB update.

        Existing site plan - challenges and opportunities.

        Site plan - preferred layout.

        Adjacencies diagram – what services and facilities should go in and how they relate to each other.

        Draft accommodation schedule.


Cllr Roy While, Graham Ellis and Colin Goodhind - Shadow community operations board (SCOB) gave a short presentation which outlined the role of the SCOB.

Points made included:

Melksham Shadow Operations Board

        Appointed by Area Board.

        The team.

        Our role – to engage and consult.

        New approach.


Community Engagement

        Consultation (Community Area Partnership and Youth Survey).

        Fact finding with community groups - (Melksham House users and sports clubs, Christie Miller Members Forum, Chamber of commerce).

        Equalities Workshop – making the campus accessible to all.



        Development of website -


        Melksham House User Updates.

        Press Releases.

        Updates to the Melksham Area Board.


Development of Feasibility Brief

        The initial proposal.

        Design / Equalities / Travel principles.

        Service specifications.

        Local considerations.

        Discussions with Architect.


Simon Laurence, (Architect) gave a power point presentation which outlined:

·       The site and its surroundings.

·       Development opportunities.

·       Broad positioning.


Lucy Murray-Brown – Head of Campus & Operational Models outlined the draft accommodation schedule, the content of which would be developed into plans which would then be subject to planning consent and is listed below:

1-1 meeting rooms - For community and partner use.

6 lane indoor bowls rink and storage - Detailed bowls specification to be discussed with all clubs during design phase.

Café - Possibly to include child’s play area.

Circulation/Viewing – Incl. viewing areas to courts.

Circulation/Entrance foyer - Single point of contact, to include exhibition space.

Clinical room

Dance / aerobic studio - 1 studio with partitioning plus storage.

Dry Changing - WCs, hand basins, showers, bench seating, cleaners room, lockers.

Fitness suite - 60 place fitness suite + room circulation space.

ICT/ICT touchdown - Professional Development Centre ICT suite/community ICT.

Library - Specification discussed with Libraries Service (January 2012).

Multi-purpose Activity Rooms - For partner and community use (total 400m2 community accommodation).

Office - Office/Hot desk area for council and partners.

Sports hall 4 courts – 100m2 larger than original business case due to recent Sport England Area uplift.

Squash – 2 courts.

Storage - Scale to suit operations

Swimming pool - 6 lane pool with secondary pool, first aid, general storage and plant room.(Initial meeting with ASA took place in March.)

Terraced pool seating.

WCs - Scale to suit operations.

Wet changing - Separate sex configuration (lockers, WCs, hand basins, showers, vanity places).

Youth work room - Youth specification discussed with Youth Services (March 2012).


Questions raised from the floor included:

·       Melksham Tennis Club – there appears to be only three courts on the plans, which would mean that the Tennis Club would be losing two courts when the campus is opened, would these courts be flood lit and all weather?

a.Wiltshire Council and the SCOB would continue to work with the Tennis Club to develop adequate facilities.

·       Short Mat Bowls – Could we be reassured that there would be short mat bowls provision in the campus?

a.Yes, Short mat bowling provision would be accommodated either in the sports hall or indoor rink.


·       What are the indicative costs expected to be?

a.The contractor for the campus would be decided on through a tendering process and until a contract is let any financial figures are considered commercially confidential so no costs could be given at this point of the process. Once a contract is let then the figures will be released.


·       There are some forty six residential dwellings that border the proposed campus site, will these residents be consulted?

a.yes, engagement from local residents would be sought, and it is the intention to ensure any campus buildings which were planned next to private adjacent dwellings would be of a low level.


·       Melksham Rugby Club – The Rugby Club didn’t think that field sports would be included on the campus site plan.

a.Wiltshire Council were currently in discussions with Melksham Rugby Club to relocate to a site at Dunch Lane, with the Football Club moving to Woolmore Farm.


·       Melksham Skateboarders would like to be part of the campus.

a.The SCOB would need to discuss this, but this type of provision can be considered in the scope of the campus project.


·       Will there be provision of taxi drop off points on the campus site, and will taxi operators be able to have all taxi paperwork that currently gets processed at Monkton Park, Chippenham dealt with at the campus?

a.Yes, we will be looking at taxi drop off points as it is critical to meet accessibility requirements, and yes all taxi related administration would be carried out from the campus as it is intended that the majority of council services can be delivered to the community from a campus.


·       Would there be 10 pin bowling provision on the campus?

a.No, this is not in the schedule.


·       Would there be a liqueur licence granted for the campus?

a.The Council will apply for a licence so that licensed facilities could be used as a secondary activity.


·       Would there be provision for a netball court?

a.It was suggested that local clubs could make contact with the SCOB direct to identify if this could be incorporated into the schedule – this would not make a material change to the schedule.



Points made from the floor included:


·       Car parking would need to be well thought out, lack of decent car parking could be problematic.


·       Well done to the SCOB for all their hard work


·       A need for decent secure cycle parking facilities on the site.


·       Un-healthy fizzy drinks and snacks vending machines should be discouraged.



Points made by the Wiltshire Councillors included:

·       The importance of the Campus complementing the provision at the Assembly Hall.


·       Well done to the SCOB for pulling this project together.



·       Well done to local residents for attending the meeting and making some very good points.


·       Would be good to include Luncheon clubs like the ones ran at Melksham House into the facility plans, (it was noted that it is the Council’s intention to ensure activities for older people, such as Lucheon clubs, will be provided within the campus).



·       Exciting times for the youth of Melksham.


·       Important to get the parking right.


The Wiltshire Councillors then agreed the following decisions:

·       Positioning on the site - The Melksham Area Board resolves that the ‘preferred positioning’ of the campus on the site and the proposed adjacencies of the various components be considered the most appropriate option and that it is developed further through the forthcoming design process with as much sympathy to adjacent properties and businesses.


        Accommodation schedule – The Melksham Area Board support the provision of those facilities and services noted in the draft accommodation schedule and resolves that the schedule forms part of the brief for the forthcoming design process.


        Site adjacencies – The Melksham Area Board resolves that the further development of the Melksham campus takes into account the existing services and facilities on site and that as much as possible is retained on the site. Additionally the Area Board resolves that the campus design process takes into account other facilities, with specific reference to the Town’s assembly Hall, and that  officers take part in discussions with Melksham Town Council about the options for how this facility can best complement the future  campus.


The Chairman thanked Lucy Murray-Brown, Simon Laurence and the SCOB for their presentations and the residents of the Melksham community area for supporting the meeting and raising some excellent questions.