Agenda item

Community Area Grants

To consider the following applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme:-


1.         Bratton Silver Band for £5,000 to part fund replacement of instruments


2.         Restoration of recreation land and walkways off The Mead - area board councillor led grant application - £675 requested  


3.         White Horse Day Centre for £350 to fund the purchase of indoor curling equipment - this is an application under the Small Grant Scheme.


4.         Bratton Park Life  for £4921 to help fund a new children’s play project




Consideration was given to a report by the Community Area Manager in which councillors were asked to consider applications for funding from the 2012/13 Area Board Grants Budget.  She then explained each application in turn.


(a)          Bratton Silver Band – to part fund replacement of instruments - £5,000 requested




To approve a grant of £5,000 to part fund replacement of instruments.




The project is to replace some of the existing brass instruments and to purchase some additional percussion instruments. 2 timpani  and other percussion items will be purchased and also 4 brass instruments will be replced. As well as performing regularly at many local events throughout West Wiltshire, the Band is also a contesting band and takes part in regional and national brass band contests. The Band has been promoted to a 3rd section band from January 2013 and it therefore needs to extend its range and improve the quality of some instruments in order to raise the overall standard of the Band’s musical performance.


(b)          The Mead, Westbury – restoration of recreation land and walkways - £675 requested




To approve a grant of £675 to restore recreation land and walkways.




This area of open land off The Mead is a delightful potential nature reserve containing lakes, walkways and seating and leading onto a network of footpaths. Currently the area is considerably waterlogged and needs remedial drainage work in order to make it more accessible to everyone. While funds from a S106 agreement have been set aside for the long term maintenance of this land, it does not include allowance for such remedial action. It is believed such remedial work would enable the area to be better used by the community for leisure and hopefully for an educational resource – it is hoped interpretation boards may be provided in the future to chart the flora and fauna of this area.


(c)          White Horse Day Centre, Westbury – purchase of indoor curling equipment - £350 requested




To approve a grant of £350 for the purchase of indoor curling equipment.




To motivate the older people and lunch club members who attend the day centre with games and activities. The aim is to help everyone keep fit, alert and healthy - and to have fun in the process. This grant request would pay for New Age curling equipment. New Age Curling is a form of the original curling game, but adapted so that it can be played indoors on any smooth, flat surface, such as a sports hall, rather than on ice.

Importantly, the game can be played by both able-bodied and disabled people of all ages alike.


(d)          Bratton Park Life – help fund a new children’s play area - £4,921 requested




To approve a grant of £4,921 to help fund a new children’s play area.




To improve the facilities on the village green to include more play equipment for children of varied ages and abilities within the local rurally isolated community. Commence improvements to create a place to play where equipment is more accessible and safer for all children to play and where parents/carers of younger children can meet whilst their children play together more freely and establish more community cohesion.  The equipment is designed so more than one child can play on it at once and stimulates more imaginative play. 

Supporting documents: